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An Act authorising the Emancipation of Abraham, a Negro Slave, late the property of Benjamin Temple. 1792 111 (1792)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0028 and id is 1 raw text is: '111  ]

tine of the faid John Wilkins, deceafed, for the faid quantity of land, and which was confumel by fire previons to the loca.
tion thereof.

SCCT. 11. TIlS adk fhall commence and be in force from and after the pfffing thereof.

C    I[ A      P.


,.1n ACT to'emancipate Roje, and her Children David, Judy, and Katy.
[PASsED, November it, 17).,]
SEcTIoNe 1.   1TIEREAS it is reprefented that a negro wman naned Role, did on the twenty-ninth day of December,
VV      one thonfand febcn hnndrel and eighty-eight, pay to her then matter and owner, Rice Parker, oif t!,,
comnty of Caroline, the film of fifty poutan s in falI fi , her future I-rvic~s and labor ; anl did alfu on the fixth day of M, rel.,
one thouAnd fevcn hundrcd and eighty-nine, pay to the NJif Rive Park r the forn of twenty-five pounds for the foturc I'ivice.
aod labor of two of licer children ,amnad 11i y.and KAty ; and did on the firit day of March, oe thoufand leven hundred an I
ninety-two, pay to George Pickctt, the rm of fifty lunds in fil fir the futurc ferviccs and lator of htr ton Da ;d ; anI the
faid Role, ali.os Rofetta llaili ock, hath made application to this Atfcmbly to pits an at for emancipating not only hcrfilf, but
alfo hr faid children David, Judy, and Katy, w hich it ih judged rihrt to do:
SE-T. II. BE it terrefore enafet That -the foid Rofe, alias Roftta Hailflock, together with her faid three children
DMvid, Judy, anas Katy, fliall trom awl after the pafing of this aM, hive and enjoy as foil and ample ficcdem, as if they had
fcvcrally been born free.
SFc-r. I1. SAVING to all perfons, other than the faid Rice Patkcr and George Pickctt, and tho4 claiming uuler ther,
al fuch right and title to the taid Role, alias Rofetta HAiliock, David, Judy and Katyp and the delcendants of the femates, as
they or any of them could or might have if this ;It had nver becn trad;.

d, Dnavid, 'ale anl
Katr U','eip itr.l.
Sat'ing the riht : t')f 1.7
es,,pi Rice Palk: a,
Ge ,,e i'.i.',.

C H A P.


An ACT for the Mamninflon oJ a Negro nawed Saul.
(PAssET), November 13, '1792.]
.51ECTION I. N confideration eif many very effential t'rvices rendered to this ccmmonweahh, during the late war, by a  Pream..f.
I  certain negro named Saul, now the prglerty of GOurge Kelly, of Norfolk ;

SECrT.'I. BE it enafledhp the General .4je/bv, -That the Executive fhall forthwith, or as foon as may be, appoint one
-fit fetion, and George Ke!y, owner of the faid flave, one other perton, who iall jointly afe:rtain and fix the v-t.lue of the
-faid tihvC, and certify fuch valuation to the auditor of public accounts, who Ihall thereupon ilTue to the fUid George Kelly a
warrant for the amount, pyable out of.the contingent fund.
SeCT. III. AND Ae it firther eaed, That from  and after the taid valuation, the faid Satl thall have and enjoy fidl Ii-
.berry and freedom, in like manner as if he haId been born fece.
SECT. IV. THIS aft thall commence and be in force front and after the palling thereof.
C     H     A     P.        XCIV.
An A CT          authorifing the Emancpation of               Abraham., a Negro Slave, late thc
property of Benjamin Temple.
[PassrD, November 0fi, 1792,]
L.ci Toee [. XTHEREAS it hath been reprefentri, that a free negro man, who was a refident of King \Viliam countty,
v       hath lately departed this lIfi, 'leaving the managentrut of his eflate to a certain William  piiler, and
among other things directed that he fhuld purchafe and emancipate Abraham, a negro man flave, the prolrty tif cn.amin
Temple, Efquire, of the faid county, the fWid Abraham being the fon'of-the faid decedent : AND WHEREAS in conformi-
ty to the reljoef and defie of the taid decedent, ithe (aid William Spiller hath purchafed the faid negro man ilave Abral;an.,
and hath pititioned thiL Alfcmbly tr a.law topafs authorifing the mnancipation of the -did flave:
SECT. II. BE it terefore enaifed, That the faid negro man flave Abraham Ihall be free in as full and ample a manner, as
if lie had been born free.
Stew. it. THIS ad (hail commence and-be in force From and after the- pafing thcreof.

C H A P.

The vah' eof Saulda
fhiie beiingi g t7
Grorge KemlV.ti toe Oaf-
ee,t,,ipe.la-d paid bV
M.e tublic;
.4jirr te vdNatits'
Su.ato be emancipated.
('crunch.emitE 'f lif

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Gunrmerioylrnt ef f'if


An ACT concerning Hemy Stratton.
EPAssF1,,, November ti, 17?'.]
StEtTIoV 1. 3E it eranad:v the General ..Ifcnl. That the Ex:.:utivc- may, and they arc here'y rquefled and em.w-
.L   crOJ, to t.le the claim of Henry Str;ttn agaiil this kolnnmnwvcalth, a11 if on fi.ll ittlcinir, tiere
appear a balance in hii.fivar, that thty dire. the auditor of public a,'ciit to ilwtu to tie faid hknry Str,ttun, or Lis ircal
attorney, a wa-rant for the amount thereof, payalle out of tle aggreatc find.
S      I. .4ND te it frtr rqallef, That the uditor fIall itfte to ,he faid Henry Strittoi, on application in -erfim, or
In. attorney, a warrant t'o the film oi lirt-nine p.und; one Iiiiling, p v.AIl (at faV l .,mo;. in tle h itdi of tic treafurer.
it bin une netyft of 0.1 plvc.edsof a veibelclhnging to the laid 5traztin, fild tower a deciec of the court oC admir.:i'y, and
paid ivri Ce publc treafury, whch flaid decree was afterwards rcvcrftd by t.e crooit of altils.

C 11A P.


An ACT concering Robert Pollard.
[la.tari,, l).centber a,', 979a.]
i c'-to' 1. rcr-p-rr.n.I t i :r General                   .       th't h t a- fp:cial relOleh of Ilrigadier-Gene-  Preambfr.
V        lMf th                             ti.: 14  'rl.t ,lr.l, thmi, relicdent in the ,mw-
:v   C        m'.  '  x,'rronk th,. pluiafv of rtir'.nis. Iqo,,r oU; tLe u.. if 'Le t. i. tr. )i i 0h1% L.avin ir.eurtld the tr.an1tity

Coc'n,:oeci~ , '

teny Strat .   ',s , e.ma
agi.jl tle tga..:i ' .-
,,alit t2  hiui, dated
an.l pd
.-! f.n of  :..y t, hr
Pair.iia Abal.

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