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An Act reducing into one, the several Acts concerning the Fees of certain Officers, and declaring the mode of discharging the said Fees and County Levies. 1792 23 (1792)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0024 and id is 1 raw text is: 23 J

the money or tobacco due for the rent of the (aid premifcs at the time of taking (uch goods or drrear is paid
chattels in execution,                                                                      or tendcreci

Sec. LV. PROVIDED neverthdefs, That fuch rent arrear do not amount to more than
one year's rent ; and if more be due, then the party frincg out fuch execution, paying or ten-
deririg to fuch landlord, or his agent, one year's rent, may proceed to execute his judgment ;
and the theriff or officer ferving the fame, is hereby empowered and recuired to levy and pay
to the plaintiff, as wcll the money or tobacco fo paid for rent) as the exccution money.
SEc. LVI. ALL aas or parts of as coming within the. purview   of this a,, fliall
be, anui are hereby repealed. Pronidd always, That nothing in this a  (hall be conflrued
to ffTe&t any rights, remedies, fines forfeitures, penalties or amercements, which have ac-
crued, been velted, or incurred, prior to the commencement of this a4rt
Svc. LVII. THIS af fhall commence and be in force from and after the pafllng there-
of, until the firfi day of Jmnuary, in the year of our Lord one thoufaiid feven hundred aad
ninety .four.
U  J II  I _          --          i i~         I  J I  II I  I   T


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C H A P.

,4n ACT     reducing into one, the feveral    .r concerning the Fees of certain
\ Officers, and declaring the mode qf dlfcharging the faid Fees and County
(Patled December the 19th, 1792.]
B     E it declared and inafled, by the General femMbly, That it (hall and may be
8aVr1oK I..     lawful for the clerk of the Council, the clerk of the Houfe of Delegate, the
regifter, the cierks of the General Court, High Court of Chancery, Court of Appeals, Dif-
tridi Courts, clerks of Corporation Courts, and all county court clerks, lherifis, coroners,
conflables, and firveyors, refpltively, to demand, receive and take the (everal fees herein af-
ter mentioned and allowed, for any bdfinefs by them refpeaffively done, by virtue of their fe.
yesal offices, and no other fees whatfoever : That is to fay-

eel to be re.
ccived by

For every tellimonial,
For a copy of an a& of afTembly, if contained in one ibeet,
And for every /ieet after the Rr/i,
For iling a warrant of furvey, and recording the fame,
F;'or every wartait hrued i exchange for another warrant, or where lands claimed
under a former warram, (hall te recovered on a caveat, and recording the fame,
For receiving a plt and certific.te, and giving a teceipt for the faim,
For ifluing and recordiig a grart thereapon, if the quantity therein contained exceed
not four hundred acres,
For every bunded acres, exce ding that of four hundred,
For recording a plat and certifcate of furvey, if the quantity does not exceed four
hundred acres,
For every hundred acres exceeding that quantity,
For emertag a cavaat, or for a copy thereof,
For a copy of any grant or patent of .and.
For a fearch for any thing, or fer reading the fame, if a copy be not required,
For keeping a iregular accourt of warrants, examined and cancelledi to be paid by
the Treafuer, on the Auditor's warrants for each warrants
For every furvey by him plainly bounded as the law direas, and for a plat of ruch fur.
vey, after the delivery of fuch plat where the furvey hall not exceed four hundred
acres of Jand,
For every hundred acres contained in one tur~vy above four handred,
For furveying a lot in town,
And where 4 fwveyor ihall be gopped or hindered from ftnithing a urvey by him
begun, to be paid by the party who required the fame to be furveyed,
For running a dividing lines
For f(rveying an acre of land for a mill,
For every furvey of land formerly patented, and which thall be required to be furvey.
ed, and for a plat thereof delivered aoefaids the fame fee as for land not be-
fore frved,

1, Cents. The cletk of
S67 bthe council,
1    0  Tle clerk of
the Houle of
0   75  Delegates,

o 63
o 63
1 26
o To

The reifler of
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