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An Act for opening the Navigation of Blackwater River, from Little Town on the said River, to Broadwater Bridge. 1790 45 (1790)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0018 and id is 1 raw text is: [  45   ]
herein required, alternatelv in the order in v!:ih th e coun:ies are herein before-
named iii this aft.
ScT. Iii. A.4a1  it furlbr rnaled, That the fAd oflicer appoi:wted as aforefaid, Toprov;de
and the guard undr him ordf:rcd out, fliall F,!rniffi theniMfcles with the neceffary th,,wVes
'                                                    with armst
arms, arrmunition and proiifion for rhe ptirpolfcs afu)tcfaid.  The faid oflicer ,,ovi ars,
ihall receive for his fcrviccs fix f 111ing per day and each of the guard four fhil- k.
lings pcr day :  their feveiul accounts ftall be  i tiidated and adjufed by the Thdr pay;
commanding offlcer oftlhe cc:unty from uhich they were ordcred, whothall tran!-
mit on oath to the receiver of the taxes for the fid diftrit, a pay roll 1'pecifying
,Farticularly the nvimes of tihofe llonging to each company, and the time of their
,4nttring into and leaving the fci ,,i' e: I le fcall alfo grant to each perfon a certi- Certificates
thn,ur red
f.cate exprcfling the number cf ts he firvcd, the time N hen the fervice was        e,,
perforncd, and the al1o .ance fir htch fervice, which f.A  cortific:'te granted as cl. a.g, of
2forcFiid, foa!l tbe receivable by the theriff of the faid county in dinf.harge of the
l ublic taxes duIe h'cra ti-.( faid county, and the fame fliall be received fr'om hin
in the ficttlcn.ent of l i accounts w' ith the receiver, who lhallbe allowed the fmine
ia the etdlcn-ent cf his accounts in like nianner as he is by law allowed for other
certificates receivable for the- taxes of the laid diltri&1.
C   11  A   P.     LXVII.
An A C Tfor ep'ning Ic !vzvvialiov of Blackwater River, from Little Town on the
f.,i River, to Broad water Bridge.
'a  i-e I tir  6:b f Derm ,er, 17 90.
SrCT. I. \/\   ITF;EF':AS it is rt'prefented that the opening the navigation of Ptcam,bc.
B'dackwatcr RiLu', tt'on  Little Tozvn on the iaid river, as high as
1;roadivater Bridge v. ill Be ef great utility.
S,'r. I !.    Ae it ',rfr enaf/e' J' the Geveral 4,%m!, That the courts of the Furveyors oF
counties of So,%i.:ptcn and Iic of lVtgb., hall and they are hereby refpctively the r;t.r to b
(flpowered and required to appoint Jo many furveyorsas they may think necef- 2PP ilte;
rary, ard allot to ca( h his refpcdive prccin&, u hofe duty it thall be to fuperin- Thtir dty
tend and fce, that all obfirudions whih in any manner injure the navigation of
the faid ri,,er, .ithin his precind, be removed from time to time as fuch ob-
firuction:; Phall happen.
SrCT Im. The courts of the raid counties thall refpectively appoint fo many Per,,,, to be
male labouring pcrfcas, as they may judge moll convenient, to work in clearing .ao, in
the flaid river: Lvery perfon fo appointed, who, when required by the firveyor, clearing the
placed over him, drall without legal caufe or difibility, fail to attend, with pro- rivr,
jer tools for clearing the faid river, or fhall refufe to work when there, or lind Pennilty on
thoie other perfon e(ially able to work in his room, (hall pay the fim of feven fhofe r,,iing
fnitlings and fixpence for every days offence, if he be a freeman of full age, ift
an infant, then to be paid by his parent, guardian or mafle,, and if a flave or
firvant, then by his overfeer if he be under one, or othcrwifc by his mailer or
S'FCT. IV. Every furveyor failing to do his duty as required by thic act, flhall o a, AweYnr
frfeit and pay the fum of five pounds.                                          aUr rtglot of
St CT. V. It' any landholder on the 'Aid river, being refident thereon, if not, on tii,,ns
tl e tenant or overfecr flall fuffer any tree to be felled ft ron his land, or the land, fe!ll..g tlvs
of  Ni hich Le is a tenant, or refides on as an over!eer in:o the [aid river, and there- i.o Ut.. lit-c.
in to remain the fpace of twenty-four hours, every fdch landholder, tenant cr
overfei (lhall forti'it and pay the fum of eighteen thillings.
S'FCT. VI. The perfons appuinted to clear the faid river fhall be exempted from  Prf ns work.
w;orking on roads iag eu fle li-
Vtr 010lil[,Whd
S c'r. VII. All .he penalties in this act (hall be one moiety to the informer, from wok;,,g
ard the other to the ife of tiat county in %% hich the penalty is incurred, recow:r- oi loads.
.blc %vith cofis on war, ml, or petition and fimmons as the cafe may be.        lt , i Iho'
tO   Ia, po'r.e
C   II  A    I.     LXVlII.
An A C Tfur c,,ginui' d.e Alowa,,ce ff I'efijons to certain Poirons.
Pifi' ,l 13r i tb of Dtcmbrr, 1790.
p   F it rna,7ed lty the Gencral ziJeinbv, That W/ilham Barret, Fracis Wbiting, 'fobn Certain oficers
B    (r'-n, kvneu, Scld,', litliam Al'Guire, (corge Huie, JIillis WI,fon and Tbo. ' IedV tJ.
pe nit,Lms here-
.as Jint liah!l continue to receibe their refpedive penfions heretofore allowed ofoe. gr:anted
thc in under the laws of this Commonwealth, in the fame manner as if the law to I ,,n by the
i cfri:'g thegn to the Congre-S of the U.vitcd States had never been made.    Rate,
M                          C H   A  1.

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