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An Act concerning certain regulations in the Town of Lexington and County of Fayette. 1790 39 (1790)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0016 and id is 1 raw text is: known-by the name of I'ayimlpihie parifh, and the county of Hardy ihall be one
other parifb, and known by the name of Hlardi, parith.          y
SECT. 111. Ad be ..fi,rjbr enatrd. That thc Members of the Proteflant Epif.. Truftees
copal Church in cach of the ftid parilhe thall aillemble on Ea/ler Monday next  hert, wheM
or as foon after as convcnicnt at the courthouifes of thir refpet:ive counties, and  nto d.
then and there elet.t trutiecs far the faie parifhes agreeably to the ordinances of
the faid church.
SECT. IV. And be it firbcr ena  led, That the truftees of the faid pariflbes of A mwietv nf
Hampihire and Hardy, or a majority of them, flhll immediatelv after fich eleetion, the gle land
or as loon after as may be, proceed to fell one moiety of the glebe lands above      ,-
mentioned, .in value as near as can be afcertained, in ruch manner as they may pliedto the
deem mofl eligible, and the money arifing from the fale thcreol, with a fidl to- 11;14 :vra
irty of the rents due thereon, fliall be applied by the trifies of the parith of il.,ulphimrpa.
,tawp/Zre, towards purchaling a glebe therein,                               I,1
• ECT. V. And ke it fartier eiafled, That the truftees of the (aid church to be Truaceor
appointed by this ad in the parilh of Har,', are hereby. authorilid and caipow- Kirov Ia,'A
ered to fell the other moiety of the faid glebe landq, it' to them if fliall feem ex-. ,h'r
letfient, and apply the money iriling from the Nizd thereof to the purchafe of a ,hiiv ai,l
i.e convenient glebe Ibr the tife of the fiid parith. And if the trullecs before pulrchre  ao-
mentit;ncd Ihould difagree in the vilue ol the liaid glebe land afcer a divifion nu.y of the
thcrtof, in th.t care the trilkcs fall proceed to IUIl the faid glebe lands in inoi- -   iftI'rv
r:i::, atid thc money arifing fromi fichi tides to bc equally dirided betwveen the pa.. ir..e,
IQ ia (.,;aoi ef
r:c  of f ltf'ir'and iartdv; and the truflees lhail refpeedively lay out the mo- iwlin;the t*
1                                                       -              e  ut tile
not y.' tin purdiafe (it a glebe in each of the parilhes aforefaid.
:4, 1%'Vt. 4lmd be it fartber enaled, That the truttees, which may be ele'Red for gTes o
the p;,rih of Hard', frill without delay take all legal nicans to colle&  and re- H,1  vAridh
tcalif& the
cover all funis of monev or tobacco which now are, or hereafter may become mouty eue tor
due for the rents of the faid glebe.                                ..        the rent J the
SECT. VII. Anti the trinlees to be elected for thd pairiftet of -atdy and Ilarnpa . .
f/ire flall refpem~ively perform the duties required of them by this a  rerpe-hng ti the truha
thefale of the faid gltebe, or a part thereof; and the purchate of another glebe t,,, ae to cx-
within two years from the paffing of this ad  under the penalty of one hundred ecute the du.
I            ties enjoined
pounds on the truftecs of each parifh fo failing, to he recovered by aion of debt byt tuga.
in any court of this. Commnnivealth, one moiety thereof to the ufe of the pariflh
in which fiuch failure or negled of duty' may happen, the other moiety to any
perfon who may eic for the fame.
An A    CTC H                A P.       LX.
Ai& AC( T ceIuerning certain rtgulations i tbe Toin of Lexington and Coatt:y of F~y*
Pad the -t 11& of Novew5tr, 179-3.
SEcT. I.    E it e,'a,ed Ly the Genevl /lffembv, That it flall and may be lawful T,fees to bt
I    for the freeholders, houfekeepers and free male inhabitants of the Ilava t
Town of Lexington in the County of Payette, and thofe within one mile of
the courthoufe in the faid town, aged twenty-one years, other than free
negroes or milattoes, Who have rclided therein for the (pace of fix  months,
and  who pofrefs in their own      right within the faid town      and  limits
1afovefaid, moveable property of the value of twenty-five pounds, to ele& and
choofe feven truflees, which eledion thall be conduded by the Iheriff of the Whtn and
faid county and held at the courthoutfe on the fecond Monday in 1a'y next, of how.
which previous notice (hall be given by advertifement, at the door of the faid
courthoufe, on the court day next preceding the faid election.
SECT. 1I. The theriff fhail make return of the perrons eleccd, to the clerk of Eetmr-'fef.
the court, to be by him  recorded, and moreover return a fair copy of the poll, fan, e.lied W
by him taken, to the perfon having the greater number of votes, to be recorded the iheilf
with the other prucecdings of the faid iruflees in books to be by them kept for,
Sthar  purpofe.      .,
SFc'. Iii. The fuid tru~qccn and thelt fucceffors, or a majorityof them, (ball Powers ot Al
hbve power to ci e-t anti repair a market-houte in the faid town, to appoint a clerk trudges.
;of tl:e market, to rtgulate and repair the ftreets and highways in the laid town and
lMiits aforelaid, to remove nuithancesand obfttu.tions therein, and to impofe taxes
net kxc eding one huindred pound annually oil the tithables and property, real
d pjrio al within the faid tow  and limits aforefaiid, for the purpofli of car.
ry ing

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