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An Act concerning the Taxes of the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety. 1790 3 (1790)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0010 and id is 1 raw text is: A



CH A.     ; P.-  1.
An A C T concerning he Taxes of the Tr  Thoq/and Seven Hunded dnd Ninety -
Paid tbe :tStbof-Dpember,- 790.
SECT. I    Eit enaflcd by INhrGtcn;-rql_4T14*, h~bt  ax  Olt lands, fla VCS Ra .tcsat which
.... Iand oterpr~otet- in                        Wccamne due    .Ton-  ba 0 .
tn                                               andmnr, t:hall and may Lai,-w. _
be£ 4-tt4Ve&di.k  gTt.t ii'.t9-at~he rdtes and proporions-herein
aft~tfliste4nid4i    JOiatldisf~tekery hundr-d pounds value; agreeiibly to
'      a zt4iliih a-i-01, &Wth- of fevenffliillings and fixpence; for all flaves above
the age of twelve years, the fLim of two flillings and ixperceeach; except ft (:i
as have been-or iallbe exempted by the refpedive county at corporation courts;
fr- every fiud horfe, -the pric at which fuch horfe covers a mare the feafon; for
allother-horfes; mules, rn ires-and colts, flxpence eacih,, for all- ordinary licenfes
fdrriy (illings each; or ' Alt. billiaird tables! fifteei pounds each (for all lots, and'
hou1fes in'ti tWffis one ahnd. a quiar per cent. on therents thereot to be afcertain-
ed i   -tae m p t cried   by rhe aR .'cvfrt ..taxes-;o for every coach,
charioto poff-chaife at the-rate of hiiie flhillingsf-or. each wheel; for-all oier
riding carriages With.four wheels, fix fiilings for eachwheel;_- for all therriding
.garrijges with lwo iwheels, thre6fiffiings for each wheel, o lads lot-, hofs - :a -  iands
.S'C. I. Providedaays, ThIat 1o tx -fhaltI be. colletted on 1andslIts, lhoufes c- A
r othi r, propbrty beIonging to thisComon weaith, or to any county, tow n, col-. exewp'edfrwrf
lege; housfor divine.-fhipi o.fe ny.oflearniing.                   t3XCS.
SiC. Il11. d beit fkrer endued,. -i.hato much of al and every at or: s No taixes ply.
as imnlo1s a tax on dleds, wils  nd adminiftraidus,ff(all b eand the fame ia e  ondeed•,
.ySeb  re ealed . r-a'2  I                                                   ad.
Srl. .      tl fhcril  aid 'cied lts . .of P  blic Revenie, are .equirec. in the
colleJipnand receipt of the above imentioned -taxes, to goycra thenifelves-
cordingly, and 'wheremore than theawMdunt Aforefid hath beeni receivedi to re-
'tore the fiurpiws thereof totleperfondo- pe-fon etitled her-o.
- Cr.  y. No.di'reL ihall be made for any tax ivhich becamedue on the. firft Taxesof --
'dayf N-ove oier   thoufan- fevdihundred and ninety, Until the: hit day of ',.h_
May, one thouland fevenhundred and ninety-one.  '                       i..ai.. -or;
SECT. VI. All the taxes aforefaid hall beaccounted for and paid iri the fame in whbat pay-
nalnne an:d under the Ihne penalties, as th  la is under Which they rel edively had
-,rifie, prefqcribe, (exceptltat they, -hall be tlcged in fpecie oly)and may be wh:n to be ac.
aCC0ih1ed for anjd paid inrqthe ?ubicTreylU -X ac any 'tirne before the 'firft day cun-d for.
of     erOlobr one   hbbufand feven hundred'.idinin erto!ne.- ---_
Sct. VI.iI. -Nothing- hereiiicontiined fha l-le confltued, toafte& any arrearaget Arremragew of
of.taxe which becameAdiie:ptior to the dfirif dajif k'vcmber, one thoufand fe- taxes how to
yen hundred-atd ninety, but the fame fall be col le.6ed, accounted for and p  co,,le;e
i n-,hi ke.mna n ner as if this ad had not been made, except only, that a l taxes and' for.
alrearsof taxes may be paid ifto'thP ubic& Treafuryh y the fever Il lheriffs and
cOlledors,.without releriDgany accodithereof no the fevetat Qou nty and cor-
porationi irqr-ei peiel, y   fan', ttil econt-a& notwihtanding.  -
'S ET, VIII. So mniiof ever I ..y a  '& m Inies, whiin the pLr'vi-ew Of ilis a a,
fhalibe nd the famae is hiicbv rcpiilcd_  I-
_  [:Src-r. I!.1 *' f  fi:)lilomtin e aid be- i foif'n ifM aler the, t[1 irCyz Whdnti af
firft day of' Dcesmber, one thoufand feven hundred aiid ninety. .'  '   cominccs.
_  :; i i -:  : :-: <.    :'  -  :  :- :     icu  x t  IL -7   .:  :,-


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