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An Act appointing Trustees for the purpose of purchasing certain Slaves for the Use and Benefit of the Children of James Bullock, deceased. 1789 42 (1789)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0009 and id is 1 raw text is: To be foM, w.co indi how;
Furchafe morcy, to whom
-o L. paid, and how to bap.
pli.d ;    .
IVgOts of all t  maitsn other
Ah,,n  the Commonwealth,
ueu're -rpointcd tolay cut
a fun, (I molity in %lhit:Pur.
To be veiled in the childrcn
vf James Bulk ck;
;Rights of creditors and otbers


4 J

the c'ouitv f Iia/ fx as -ioefl'id, or which r:.:i' I.L.',ftcr b. : NC lbli bcld thri1n h
an ofi,:e to b~e found, fn..ll . ea rd the fr'mc islerh  veflc d in ,ir c CYeman, ( cr
&'rrimgtn, I~lliam  rrr, Udliam T'cmofi/, j ,eio r andf,.a    cmcn
truflces, or the furvivn: or furvivors of then.
Src'r. 11. When the right of the Con~lmonwcalth to the laid land fhall be filly
eflablifhcd, agreeably to the dire'lions of the a& intitled  An a. 17 cernin. ,-/.eatorj,
the faid trufccs or the rurviyor or furvivors of them, Ihall, when required by Da:zW
M(Calhm adminiflrator ofthe faid 7.b Cader deccafed, fell the laid tra, t of land
1br the beft price thdt can be gottcn.
SEcT. Ill.  The purchafr money fok the faid land fliall be paid to the Aiid 1anhl
'/Cal/um, adrninifI rator of the goods and chattels of the faid .7di: Ga/dC/r dccea.fed,
to be applied by him in ina dtie.courfetf adminiftration tothedifi:hargc of thedebts
of the faid decedrit, and in 'fie.there flibuld be aftiy firplus aftcr pa)ing fiuch debis
the farnc hall by the laid adminiliator be paid into the public trcaf'ury.
SECT. IV. Saving however to all perfois -hd bodies politic and corporaie, c,ther
than thofe' climing under the Coinrionwealthj all legal or equitable rights which
they might have affertcd to the faid land or any part tllertcbf.

C, H    A   P..   LXXXVI.                       .   .:
Ai A CT e.poilitg 7,,,rees for the the terp.ce of purdaflqg eertain, Slaes for the LU
and IBeuffit of the Cbid;e'.q Vf Jamies Bullock d-ea/ed.
Pjred ,the 0  f Dueeih',rr,  89.
CT.. 14       -ER E AS S7ape. Bi/loWIk late of ithe bounty of B*MjdOid, died fomemein
¥V     in the year one thoufrand feven hUndred and eighty-four, leaving a
Vidow witi five finall children, and pofclfed o'C ten flaves, five only of whom were
lal;ovrcr. and from w hbofe labour his fiimily were fujported, fince whofedeath, one of
the ntofA valuablee tl.e fiid flaves was befb'e the c6u*R'of Ga'pilel!ourity convitcd of
fe'lony and cxecuted, and was valued to the fum of onehundredl.pounds. And whrrea
1Auna/iJ lolo~k widow andadminiflratrix of the taid Xdnes uBi.ock, hath petitioned'
the Gcncral Afferibly, to appoint truflees for th,:' purpfei of laying out the money
afotdidid in the pttrhafe of othcr flaves, and it is i°prefanied that te faid :a,,s
B1lock died free fi'cri debt. Be it tcrefore enakcd h lue General 4flemiy, that Rclert
Clark, fenior, Williar Henderjon, Willian Crauford, bCrifl phir Clark and  0qi.n 'hrig
entlcemen, fball be and they are herebyappointed trufftes, for the following pur-
Pofes, that is to fay, the faid truftecs or any three of them. fha, i immedia'ttly upo:i
receipt of this a&1, eCmand of the adminifiratrix of the fiaid Yamfiel B,//lockdeceafied,
the amount of the valuation of the flave lb executed, and upor thd reccip: threreof,
Ihall proceed to lay'out the fame in the purchafe of other flaves. .
StCT. I1.  So foon as the (aid truflees fhall have purchafed fuch flaves, t ey ha!I
bc veled in the heir at law and other children of the' raid Yalnes B.lle.k iiri the f5me
manner as the flave fo executed as aforefaid was veRedin them by law, at the time
of his valuation; but all creditors and other perfons whatfoever, and.ei-ccially the
faid adminiftratrix, flhall be at liberty to affert the fame right to the flaves f.) to be
purchafed as aforefaid, which they or any of them might have affirtedto'the flav fo
cxecuted as aforefaid, were he now, alive.

.Efcheator of Elizab:th ,Ci
to take an ilnquel on a certa
lot of land ;
if found for the, Commo
.weahh to be vr.lid in truflec
to be fold i when and how
'erc].aefc nvlrey how to.I

C   H   A   P.     LXXXVIII.
An ACT eonrerning a Lot in the Towun of Hampton, wberefMichael Council died feized.
Palcd the 41h of Dttather, 1789.
SECT. I.   [THEREAS it isreprefenred, that a certain Michael Couniof thecour-
Vv     ty of EJizabe!b-ciOy, departed this life in the year one thoufand feven
hundred and eighty-four, inteflate and wvithout heirs, feized in his dcmefne as of fee,
of pait of a lot in the town of l7ampton, which is therefore liable to efchcar, and
the (aid Michael CcU il'  as confiderably Indebted at the time of his death; .Be it en.
i!y at/ed lv the General 4,ffi& , that the efcheator of the faid county, hflall forthwith
U, procee'd to take an inqueft thereon according to law ; and that if an offlice be found
n. for the Comrnonwcalth, the lot or part of a lot as aibrefaid, {hall be veiled in Miles
es, King, Rokert Brougi, Jhn Rogers, George WIray, j*ndor, atd Cba~les.rx ent', Gentle.
men truflecs, to be by them   or*any three of them, fold at public au ion, after
reafonable notice of the time and place of fifle, for the bell price that can be had at
twelve months credit, taking bond %%ith fulicient fecurity, and that the fail truflees
or any threc of them, flall convey the (aid lot to the purchafer or purchafers ia fie
be   SrCT. I.  The money arifing from the fale of the raid lot or part of a lot, fliall be,
applied by the (aid tuflees to the payment of the juftdebts of the laid Mieael Grani'd
in the filt place, and the balahe, if any, paid into the public tircaFury.
C   I-1  A  P.     LXXXIX.
An A C T gibhtg Williain Pennock the cxchh[ive righ of' co'e)',rg Perfon! in Stage Car.
riages, to and fron cei-tain Plares.for a limited Vime, and for other .'n'p.fs.
Pard the 9th of Diftnbrr, t739.
SECT. I. \  THEREAS it is rcprefented that 14illiam PePn.ork ath laid not and ex
VY      pended a confiderable (um  of money in the purchafe of carfiges
and horfes, for the purpofe of conveying perfons and baggage between Rlei.,t;snd and
1;et*'jbrg, and the faid I/liam 1'curn.ck hath mad.- apphcation to this Aff.bly, tb
g rat

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