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An Act for the Purchase and manumitting Negro Caesar. 1789 41 (1789)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0007 and id is 1 raw text is: iy tlec, or any thre of t1,.cm, fold for the befi price that can be had, giving three to be '.,'cand Iiw,
tmondtls notice of the rime and place of fale in the Phr-inia Gazette.
Scr. II. Thc faid truf'fecs aflll convey the fame to the purchafcr or purcharcrs in Peircl,:,r money'iiow to L'
fee, and inply the moneyarifing from the fale thereof, in the firft place to thie pay- aeid.
lent of the juflt debts of the faid Savitn  Abbott, and ippQrtion the rehidue equally
between his children or their legal reprefentatives.
C   1- .A   P.     LXXXHII.      ..
An A C T   coiceriuing the febeat'd Properly o'f James Coupland, decea/ed.
S.   :..  ~fet,! ,hi  ztif .f Nw, ,   189.
HEREAS it lath been reprefented to theri ren c General Affemtbly, that 7alnes Preamble
VV     CoupaInd, late of the county of .Gbefer.fie  fomre-time in the year one thoufand
fcven hundred and feventy-two, died ifiteftate, feized'of a houfe andlot in the rown
of Broqdawai and foiie perfonal etlate, leaving hiheir at law, a Britilh hbjed%,
which real cflate efcheated to the Commonwealth, and w as fold for the ftiu  of twelve
hindred.pounds ii militaiy.; certificates: Aindw beras it hath been allo rcprefented
that DAvid Cupland is.the nephew and neare rielation of the laid decedent in thia
oountry, and that thefraid.David was edtcated and patronized by the faid dcccdent,
who dil'covered for him the greate[t .alfedion, and frequently decjarcd- that he had
ihe altfeUon of a tlither for him, that he bhd aidopted him as his heir, and -would
leave him  his eftate, an d alfo. that ad miiniftration o the laid decedents cttate
was granted to-the laid David, who from     fome unforetre!n eveots, hath made
W~~lS  tOA irnof money to be noil
himfelf liable for debts of his inteflate, ,to  an amount far exceeding the ar- i, David Coupoand,
fets, which have c6me to his hands to be ,dminiferedA,;and it is reafonable
;'that retribution fhould bemad e to tde faid 'David Coup/and; Be it therefore ena led 1v
ite General/lyTembly, that the Executive flall.be, and'tliey are hereby authorized and. out of what (mnij,'
impowered to cauftobe iffued unto the faid DavidCoitpland, a varrt.nt..on the aggre,
&atc fund for the fum of thiee hundred and thirty pounds, being tlk value of.the.
military certificatc4s' for whitch the..ieal eftate of ;he faid, ames co!pland, deceafed, How tobe applied by him,
was lbld,' and which 'efcheated to'this Comtiionwealth; to be by.him applied in the
flr 1 inflance towards the dilcharge 6f the debts. f his faid intetlare, and flhould ay
lurplus remain in his hands thereaftei, that it (ha!. be lawful for the faidDa.idCo1ip-
land to hold and enjoy the fame to ahd for.his owii proper ufe and benefit foi ever.
'C   H'LA P. ,      XXXIV.
An A C T fcI the Pirebafe and nanithnittiig Ne' o Cxar.
Paled lie 4b Of -lNowmbaw, 17g9.  .
.WT4 I-tREAS it is reprefented to this AfIembly, that Mamy rarrat of the county Preamble,
V ¥   of Elizabetb Gity, hath her life in a Negro named C, fm   who enterid very
.early into the flervice of his country and contiiued to pilot the armed veflels of this
late during the late war; in~confidcration of Which meritorious fervices it: is judged
exj.edient to.purchafle the freedom of the faid. -efar, Be it ther'fore enaded by Tbe Ge-
.cral 'Aflfrmbly, that the Execuilve flall appoint a proper perfon. tocontraa with the The Execuivto purehare
•faid.Mary 'Tarrant for the purchare of the faid' Cfar and 'if they hould agree, the and manumit CwIar a ne, M
jcrfon fo appointcd by the Executive, flall,deliver totie faid  a.Y Tarrantra certifi- ,ave,
ca'e exprefling fuch purchare and the fiim;''and upon producing fiuch certificate to
the auditor of accounts, h Ibflall iffuc a w.vrrant for the fame to the treafurer, to ;b
by him paid out of the Lighthoufc fund. :.tnd k  ilprtbee enaded, that from an d
Ufter the execution of a certilicate afbrefaid, thcthid brar fhall be manumitted and
fet free to ?Ul intents and  urpoles.
•  .    po  cs, '-.         _g   ,   ,        .    ,'
C      . H  A.P.  LXXXV.
An A C T   - -,nmiiing T-'o Negr6 men Slaves, belonging to the Comnoneafdtb.
•Paadhi. 3oth tfoeahr, 174.
.   HTI-IF, REAS ack Knight andA William Bo:/, two, Negro men flaves, belongingto Preamble,
. V V  this Commonwealth, have flaithfully ferved on board the Armed veffels there-
,U; for fomne years palt, and the fiaid armed vcfkls are no longer continued on public
etfablifhient,; Be i( ena~fed by the General e,1fmky, that the laid Jack Knight and Two 02r. belonging to the
.J.illiam B' ifAl#  1   h  ry manumitted, fet free ttnd diflrhaitgcd from fervitude, to all cornflwea5th, inacaumitted.
intents and Purpofcs. Saving however to all perfdns aid bodies politic and corpo-. Rights oall claimant,,other
:rate, other than thofe claiming under the Commonwealth, all legal or equitabl: rights, thL,,, tm  nwealti,,
'which they might have afl'ertcd to the faid flaves if this al: had never been made.

C   H   A   P. ,. LXXXVI.
Ain ACT for veling in  li uflees he int'erefl wNi ble Conmonwealtb now batb or hereafter
imayzhave i ai  ra  of Land, wbeie.f-john Calder died jeized.
PrJed te I-Ib 01 December, 1789
SECT. I.  /[I-T.EREAS it hath been reprcfented to the prefent General Afrembly, Preambe,
V.      that qJo, u Calder departed this life in the year one ihoufand fiven
.hundred and eighty-tWo, inteflate and without heirs, leaving a perlonal elate not
fi1l'ci .tt for the payment of his dcbrs and pofrcfl d of a tract of land in the county
of 1,/ i/ax, which has become  clchcatab lc to the Commonwealth, and it is more
agrecabie to the principles Of jullice that the faid lands flould be ap'licd to the 'dif-
.charge of the debts of the faid obn Ca/der, than that the public fhould b benefitcd .!rne ohl
thereby, Be it t h refote enaled Iv tIN General JI/fen/i4j, that all the right and intereltp.,l tit
v, hich Hlie Cmmonweath noiv hath to the faid tra'k. of land, fo lying and being .jt3

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in r.td of land,

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