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An Act to amend the Act preventing the further Importation of Slaves. 1789 26 (1789)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0006 and id is 1 raw text is: rerlaln oaths re
taken by In.bl
i/j;cajfed withi

The exectivei
remit tlt damag
balantcs due fiva

ril, bbtaih                 whimttahce itherwholly or in part, as to the governor with 'the a'dv ce
of council may fedqv reallonale and proper.'
SFcr. X1. ind zkeireas , confiderable arreaiagcs of taxes fill remain unpaid under
the laws of revenue iretofore.pafed, and it is found that the colledtions thereof have
becn much impeded bjathe obligatioA Pilipofed by fe veral of the laid laws upon the
fheriffs andcolletorb, t6b4iake return on oath of the particular articles by them rcM
quired ,o le ccived in their feveral coll -tionsi Be it therejre aiafled, flat all and every part and
tic culkelolaparts of any of the laws of hvenue heetoiore palird, tis iequires the fherills and col.
letors to make returns ipon  ath of the pirticulai articics by them received in their
colletions, fo far as the fuime n iay. reipedt the collidlions heieafter to be made, or
payments to be made by the exectors or adminiflritori-, of any deceafed therif ai
collc6tor, Mhall he and are, hereby repealed; and the rveral flieriftf and colieddrs of
the faid taxes now remaining un4o!leted, upon paying the lame into the trealury in
fpecie or facilities in fuch proportions as they ar'e declared receivable by law, ihall
have credit therefor,           '
,u~lorifid to  SECT. XIL Andbe itArthr ena ed, That the xc'Itie fllall id are hereby aut11.0
lthC 1i,riftcd upon application, to them made and for good caufe thei n, to remit all dama.!
ges accruing, or which may hereafter accrue on the l veral balances due from the ref-
pecdive flieri ffs and collfeirs of the public taxes in this Comnonwealth, prLor to the
irfl day of Novenmber..6  thoutiand feven hundried and eighty-nine, upon the payment
thercof into the public treaf'ury, on or betbrc the firft dliy of My iext, and the fiuid
Iheriffs and colledors are hereby authorired to dilchagb their rcfpective balances in
the fame manner asthey could have paid the fame by the laNivs under which they.
'b 1 re colle6td.' Prrviacd that-it fliall not be lalvl fbr the exective to remit auy
dages arifing on any of the balances afbrefitid, which fliall not be dfchaargcd by
the faid firfi day of Mli, next.

Land warrants, to he prerer.
ved and filed in the land of-
Orig.inal plaits, &c, of iar.
vqsr, to he lirclierved, amongt
oWit evideuct of the title.
Sum or money approprnted
for building the Capitol,
If tc fund fiould not be pro.
duaiive in time, to be borrow-
ed front othrs.
When pcrfons heretofore mi-
grating to this cummonwealth
'vitl fiAVeS, may take the. ne.
ceflary oathsi

C   H1  A   P.     XLIII.
An A C T   toprevenl te burning of L,:;zid tirrants on which Granis have ited, and for
othx lnrpafesp.
SECT. I. B   E it enaled by the General .1 A]'cnbly, That upon the future examination of
B   the land-office, no original wa'rant fhall be burnt or otherw ,fe dellroy-
edi but be regularly filed in the land-olice with the title papers.
SECT. II. And be it iurtherenafled, That no original platt and certificate of furvey,
once, received and carried into grant, fhall thereafter be delivered out of' the land.
office, but flaU remain amongli the other cvidences of the title.

C   HA     P.     XLIV..
An A C T for appi~i'iatqing a fariher Sum oqfkMoney foi- building the Capitol.
Pefred the agtb oJ becembe#,17 8.
SECT. I.  E it enafied by ihe General 4ffr .m  j t lhri out of the monies to be collcted
I     for the taxes which becaib dud ori the firft of November one thoufand
feven hundred and eighty-eight, and alfo from any furplufage that. may arife from the
duties on tobacco expo'rted, the fum of four thoufand pounds fliall be appropriated
and applied to the purpofe of building a pediment roof on the Capitol, to be covered
with lead ; to the pavifig th portico and general court room, and fuch other parts of
the Capitol, as the diredors of the public buildinigs fliall deem nMolt necelTary to be
immediately done.
:. SECT. II. The Auditor of publi acounts flall, upon orders from the Executive,
ifflue his warrants to the direcdor's cf the public building, for the f, id fum of monce,
as the fame ihall become necettffry.
Src,', Ill. In care the funds for the payment of the frid rum of money fhould not.
be fufficiently produtive in time, the deficieicy fhall and may (at the di i retion of :he
Executive) be borrowed from other fuids.

C   H   AP.       XLV.
An A C T to aneid the 4' 8-for preventing the fatber inporlation of Slaves.
PaqfedMtbe i71b hof Dtmbrr, af3 .
SecT. I. /7HEREAS it hath been ;eprefented-tothe prefent General A ffembly,
V V     that many perfons who have migrated into this flate, and ha e be.
come citizens of this Commonwealth, have failed to take tile oath Ithmin the tiuae
pretcribed by the a&, i ntitulcd  An allfirpre vnting itje fr'Ibcr iiwbjraii9, oiJIlv,'s,
and that luch failure proceeded from their being Itrangers to te la%%s ol tib itate, At
the time of fich removal, and it is reafonable, that they ihould be exonerated from
the pecuniary penalties, to which they are liable in conlequence ol luch ladlure :fA
it ther.fore enafled by the General/lfTcm/,. ), that all perfuns who have lo reniovcd imum
this flute may take the oath aforeitid, on or before the litr day of /une', in the )yea d
our lord one thoufand feven hundred and ninety, and the taltitg thereof flmll be :v
elffedual to exonerate them from the pecuniary peiialties of tlie laid recited act, as ij
it had been taken within ten days after the removal oAt every hlcit perion as alordlilt
into this fRate, and that the tite infuture be exttided to fixty days ;

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