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An Act to appropriate the Public Revenue. 1789 22 (1789)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsva0005 and id is 1 raw text is: 22   ]
 '.1    A   P.    XXXVIII
.. C T to appropr ateilt the l'itc i\eveue.
.1,% P.  1td  i t b q Dater, 17-49.
'Certain rr.r ls of taxis SFCT. I.  .E it e1M7ed bythe General 4/f/mbl),, That the outflanding a:' aragcs oftI!
added to itc ,aggitgatefund    Revenuet'aixes which became due on the tira day of Aovemnr ooe thtr,
fund feven hundred and eighry-lbvcn, flall be added to ,thlc herctolbrc conflitutir
the aggregate fund.
Warrants charged thereon  SECT. II.  The raid fund -thail fland charged with the warrants ,fill unpaid, whic
by the af of the lait feflion intitled1 An ael to amend thi'iiveral lawsfor appropriali
M/.e 11tillc fie'enue, were charged on the agggregate.fund, and -.ll uarrants .hicht
the faid recited a&t were declared to be charged on the taxes ,ahich b'ecanie dueo
the firfi day of lovemer one thoulland feven hindred and eighty- Icven, togcther wit
-the warrants iffitied or to be iflhed to foreign ci'editors, and Hill remaininl tunfitisfict
,The warrants ifflued or to beiffued by virtue of two de-rcs of the .High' Courct
Chancery, againfl the treafurer of this Commonwealth, one on account of the lea
.mine, the other, on account of -the eflatc of .7&in Earl of Dumnore, flall alt, L
'charged on the faid aggregate fund.
:Fiie, t, w.~evabindi'fti •  SECT.• lI.  n~d be tfur, reiaeed, Thit all warrants and other facilitics, whk
chage or tle ta's colditu. have 'heretofore beenteceivable 'in difc'harge of the refpclive taxes which by this ac
tinit* a.conflitute the aggregate 'fund, together with all warrants by this aik chargeable thert,
on, and all warrants receivable in dilcharge of the revenue taxes ofone thoufand fev
'hundred and-eighty-eight. and one thoufand feven hundred and cighty-nine, th
d1fo be receivable in'difchirge of'the arrearagsofthc taxes which colicutc the hfak
aggregate fund.
,One ttlidi 6V thef id arrear.  SEcr. V. Andbe it furlber enuabed, Tht ohe tenth of the raid arrearages fliall con.
jg, f p.ropriatdto thefmnk- tinue'appropriated to the finking fund; that proportion to be let apart from th f'pecit
ig              'or tobacco coming in, at the rates receivable by. law, and difpofed of under the d,
'rection of the Executive, in aid of the fitid' inking hund
'Arpropriation eftaxes wich  SECT. V.. ,4d be it frther ena;'Oed, That' th tacs which becam  due on lthe fid!
beanae du fuNovemberay o       n       and feven hundred andc eighty-eight, and all branches ol
37%8, And aiimgiietwenta  yo  eeii  n  htfn   ec~ude
day ar d sttMovembtr ,178. revenue arifing between that day and the iIrft day of Novemner one thoulnd feven
hundred and eighty-nine, fhal! cbntioue as before apprpiatcd, and to the warrantl
iffued in the year one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-nine, for the fervices of tht
'couts and rangers,, and be difch'argeable, colle&tedand 'accounted for -in the tanic
'Certainwarrantst oreignmanner as dire&ed by the afore'laid acd•
crditors, not  eceivab  n  Stci. VL Provided that no 'warrants to forelghe ciditorso, bter than thofe iffrtucd,
ditchrg of impoIt now due under the tipportionments of one thouland feven. hund d and eighty. fiv e, c tcu-
or to becomle due.  fand fcven hundred and eighty-fixoi', one thoufand fei'en hufdred and ciphty'- feen,
thall be received indifcharge of thfe impoft now due,  nor be .Otitlcd to any divi'
dend of money collcdted therefor, nor thall any iWArrant whatroeve? iiTred after tye
'thirty-firft day of Deember, one thouand I even hundrid and eigh,'-iiine, bc reccivetd
'in difcharge of fuch impolt, uhlefs the bond for the fiim-fhilt-become due after that
,  .      .   d~~' ate• ,  ...+
'Approoftionof xiswhich  SECT. VII. 4nd Ae it itb ir eiated, Th t he'ta*is WiciI Iecme due on th firflt
bocame due illI Nov'ember               ;wbrei~d.t                       c     1
7s9, anda'ifing btween  hat day of Noveynher one thoufand feven. hundred and eighiy-nine, and all bra:n (ls of
day and Af November 1790-revenue arifing between that day and the firft day of No'w'eml'r one thoulld frv,'n
hundred and ninety, except the tax of fix (billings petr h-cgflhead on tobai:co, lihalI li d
'appropriated as follows, that is to ray, he taxes arifing on law procefis, rccording of
Wills and deeds, the tax oi the feat of'the Commonwealth and fircm thle Rciitier's of.
fice, which lball befpecie only, hail be appropriated to the paiment of the filarics
and allowances to the juqgis of the fuperior courts 3. and if'thet ai lh a:l,. prove in.
rufficient, the treafurer, ftall make good the deficiency out of lbme olthr ln.ds.
SECT. viir. The money 'arifing under the aft intituled, - An af im,/izg t,,la.es,
Dhall be appropriated to the payment of the wages and falarics of the nwtnbers i1d
officers of the General AflNicbl'y, and civil government; all furplufage in the faid ap-
propriations, together with all the ocher branches of revenue, which became duc on
the firft day ofrNovemeronethouf.nd feven hundred and eighty-nine, or Nhich fillt
arife between that day and the firfl of Novemberone thouthud I ,.ven hundred and nine-
ty, except the tax of fix thillings per hogihead on tobacco, hall be ch:rg'cd with the
payment of the warrants for intereft, on military certilicates becc, ming duc aftcr the
thirty-firft day of Decem/,er one thoufand feven hundred and eighty, nic; alio with
the payment of the warrants ifrued after the aforefliid period for the cond ih t  pu r-
pofes of government, fo as not to exceed the fun of five thoufland p 'unds:, a!1 with
the payment of the warrants for the interefi becoming due aicer laid period on the
loan-office debt, and the paper money funded of this ltate; allo oitl tl:e -  ai'ment of
the warrants, iffued after the aforefaid period for expences attendii- c'rimhin:l pe'oiecc-
tions, except for guards in the feveral counties and corporations; to apprehcnders (if
horfe-flealers; to perons intitled to compenfation for flaves e:'ecutcd; on accorint
of the flates flares in the Patowmaek and James river cCm1-anies ;fr the le .of at tfiae
point of Fork; forthe lunqtic hofpital ; for pi'cnfionalll hi'tetolore :lanted.aldl iemaif-',
ilig unpaid; and for ihe w6'ges and falarics of the n.eibcrs and cfl..crs ot the Gcie-
ral Affembly and civil government.

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