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An Act to amend the penal laws of the State. 1835-1836 168 (1835)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactstn0115 and id is 1 raw text is: 168

An Aet to Uniend the penal laws of ibe Stata.
'remptingdave  SEcTIoN 1. Be it enactd by the Gcn'ral A.ssitbly oj
ta le.1nerly the State of Tennessec, That it any person or persons, what-
soever, shill directly or indirectly tempt or persuade any
slave or slIves, to leave his, her or their master or mis-
tress' service, with an intent or design to carry him, her or
them out of this State, or with the intent or design to de-
prive thc true owner thereof, or shall lbarbour or conceal
such slave or slaves for that intent or purpose, such person
or persons shall, upon conviction thereof before any tribu-
nal in this State having ju.isdiction thereof, be adjudged
guilty of felony, and shall, for every such offence, be con-
fined in the public jail and penitentiary for a term  not less
than three nor moe than ten years.
Of furnidiiii-  Any free person who, without the consent of the owner,
inTve with arn's shall sell, loan or give to any slave, any gun, pistol, sword,
or dirk, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on
conviction by presentment or indictment, be fined not less
than fifty dol!ars, and imprisoned not less than ten days.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Passed February 19, 1S36.
An Act to unthorize the taxation of costs in cases whercin persons have
been bound to keep the peace.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General dssenbly of
Person bound the State of Tenuswee, That in all cases wherein any person
over tiable or or persons shall hr'eafter be arrested on a wiriant to keep
cost ,ee
the peace, and shall I e bound over for his appearance at
*    court, or shall be committed to jail on such warrant, being
unable or unwilling to give security for his or her appear-
ance, it shall be the duty of the court to which such person is
by law bound to appear, in all cases wherein it shall appear
to the court that there was sufficient cause for binding such
person over to court and to keep the peace, to render judg-
S     inent against such person for all the costs that may have ac-
Notliae ifcrued in such cause; and if it shall appear to the court that
Viischarged  there was not sufficient cause for an arrest and binding over,

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