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An Act to preserve the natural benefits of the Pamlico Sound, to the citizens of this State. 1842-1843 81 (1842)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0193 and id is 1 raw text is: MISCELLANEOUS.

torneys, bills of sale, and deeds of gift, shall be as good and,
valid, as if they had been. proved and registered within the
time heretofore allowed: Provided, that nothing herein con-
tained shall be construed to extend to mortgnges or to con-
veyances in trust: aud provided furlher, that the provisions Proviso.
of the above rcciied act shall not be so construed as to give
any person power to record or have registcred, grants from the
State, for any ofthe swarisp lands which were conveyed to the
President and Dirtctors of the Literary Fund of North Caro-
lina, by an act of the General Assembly, passed at vs session
in one thousand eight hunded and thirty-six, and one thou-
sand eight hundred and thirty-seven.
[Ratified the 8th of December, A. ). 1S42.]
An Act to preserve the natural benefits of the Pamlico Sound,
to the citizens of this State.
Src. 1. Be it enacted by the General Issrmbly qf the State of
North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority oftherame,
That any person who is not a citizen of this State, who shall
use drag nets in the waters of the Pumlico Sound, for the
purpose of ctching Terrapins, shall, upon conviction before
any Justice. of the Peace, for each and every such offence,for-
feit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars, to be recovered Prohibits
by amtion of debt, by any person, who may warrant for the  thc cath-
in g of Ter.
same; une half to the use of the inforinant, and the otherra pinwith
half to t'e wardens of the poor in such county where the drag nets,
by those
offence may be committed.                              who are
not citizens
SEC. 2. Bc it further e11tated, That if any free whlite
person shall violate the provisions of this act, said person so
offending, and being unable to pay the fine imposed, shall,up-

t1842-3      81

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