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Resolutions. 1834-1835 94 (1834)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0167 and id is 1 raw text is: rESOLUTIONS,
Passed by the G'encral Assembly of 1834-35.
The joint select committee to whom was referred that part ofr the Governors miesage, wAhic4
.relates to the outrage committed on American citizens at Nassau: IloTr,
From a memorial addressed to fhe General Assrmbly. hly John Waildell, Esq. of Wilming.
Ion, and from other papers in possossion of hecorninittee, they derive the followin facts:
On the second day of February last, the Brig Encomium. an American vessel, commanded
by an American, and engaged in lawful trade between Charleston and New O*leans, stiled
S'roma the latter bound to the former place. Among other American citizens on board that
vessel, was your memorialist John Waddell, Esq. who reprvents that lie there had with him
twenty-two slaves, which he was removing troin North Carolina to locate on a plantation on
Red river, in the St ite of Louisiana, That about fifty-six hour# after the departure of said
brig from Charleston, she was K reeked at midnight on the reefs of Ahaco. That after hir.
ing been confined for many hours to the wreck, the passengers were extricated from their
Iperilous condition by the 1ind aissistance of 'he inhabitants of Abaco. That they there pro
cured a vessel which conveyed then and the crew of the wrecked brig to Nassl. A, in tile Brit.
ish Island of New Providence. That arrived in the hathbour of Nassau, they sent to the nal-
thoritics of the isIntd lot permnission to lind for the purpose of piocuring means of subsistence,
of which they we e destitute. That to their astonishimentL such permission was denied, nod
they were informed that they should hold no intercourse with tle shore, not even for th pur.
pose of procuring food, and if they presiutmed to hold such intercourse, their vrssel ihould hu
.ired into by a Erisish Sloop of War, lying in the harbour. That after having been kept for
some hours in that situation, they were ordered up under the guns of the Stoop of War, where
they reinaed for some hours as prisoners of War. That by the interposition of one of thu
Passengers who wa' a British subject, they .#re at lenglth peinitned to land at eight o'clock at
.ouight. Thaist early on lie itsnr(cding ornning, tle negies belonging to the memorialisit, andl
tweitty-thrce belonging to other passetgers, were taketn ot shore by orde' of the Lieutenant
Governor of tihe Island, carried beore tie uttfier of tle Customs, where they were imuedI.
utely declared ree, and directed to repair to the quarters of a black regiment in town, where
they would be accomtmodated until they could obTain suitable situations. That some days af
ter this, whei there were vessels ubout to sail to New Orlenns, i le memorialist, John Waddell,
aldreeued a note to tle Governor through tle American Consul. iespectfully inquiring whe-
ther there were any obacles to his lproceeding ot His voyage with his property, to which the
Governor replied. tht if lie, 'he memorialist, presumed to iinterfere with the manunitted slaves, it
.would be hi is (ili Governors) duty to hag him and all a(<asari s.
'The foregoing is a brief and siiple siletaeent of tlei' circuisinces of the outrage perpetrat.
ed upon your tmemiorialist, anl for the redress of which he prutys the interposition of this Ge.
aeral Asseibly. Aluiigh it is not comiipetent for North Carolina, consistentlI with her fede.
rul relations. to take into lier own hands, a matter of thii kind; yet the cominieiie deetn it the
diuiv of tle General Assembly as ite itmmieliate guardians of' the rights of out- citizens, to
Iake such measures for the vindication of those' rights as may comport with the dignity of
North Carulina, and with her relations to the General Government and her sister States.
A lepiaing chject of the Siates in conflederating, \%as m tiual defence againg' foreign aggress
sion; antid tlieiver fhli humblest citizcii is aggrieved by a power beyond the reach oftld
civil tribitnuals of the country, it ias a right to appeal to the General Government, and it iv
the duty of that government to extiend over him its protecting or avenging arm.
The committee believe flat the ense referred to their consideration, is one that imperiously
denaids the incte piosition of North Carolina, in tle nnimer adverted to, and the decisive ac-
tion of the General Govern nientt.
Were if not for file pecltiar condition of North Carolinn, in cioion with all the Southern
Stitues. in one particnlar of mioentaet  consit'eration, the G'enrlh Assemlyiv might be content
twith barely coumuniating to the General Government th' facts berein recited, in fuil confi-
dence that the justice and the energy of that government, would be speedily anl duly exerted
in behiall of the injured einmorialist.
Bt, under those peculiar cilctumslanees it should not be concealed, that she feels milch
anxiety, and cannot ut it aicipate the direst calatnities to herseli, to tle whole South, and
inited to tile whole coln fedi( racy. if the Federal IGoverment should petmit so lagrant au
out rate upon the pecjliar righs of Southern citizens, tou pass unheeded,
Not many monuths have eltp-ed since events o'ctirred in a portion of' our own countitr, well
calcnlated to excite. a4 the', lid, the mnol sriou' apprehensions. Happily for nour co'omn
country, ad her free institutions, the justice, prudence and patriotibtl of the great mass dI

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