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An Act to grant the Mecklenburg Gold Mining Company an amended charter. 1834-1835 28 (1834)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0163 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA,

formance of their duty, make all necessary bye-laws, rules and regulations,
or the goverimient of said corporation ; and shall have power to do all other
acts necess:iry to he tlo  to carry into eSlect the objects of this act.
VIl. Be it farther enacted, That the stockholers in sanid company, who to.
gether own or represent one third nli the stock subscribed, may, on any emoer-
genev, call a meeting; and shall have power too rem~ove any oflicer ol the com-
puny from lflice, for miscnduct or other sufficient cause ; aid to make such
rules and regilations as may lie necessary for the government of the company,
tniii the next usultial meeting of the stockholders.
IX. Be itfurther enacted, that the ,aid corporaltion shall apply th'eir capital
to iiiingly ; an ai powers anld privileges are grantud and to be exercised
for the purpome of nin g iulY, and for no other purpose.
X  B  I t further enacted, Tiiat the full amount of every subscription shall be
poid ino at the time if !ubcrbiig, or shall be secured by bond or note of the
suhcriber, signed by himself and two good securities, neither of whom shall
be j corporatir.
XI. lie it further ended. Phat no subscription shall be for less than one
share ; and in case anv subscriber shall fail to pay ili the amount of his subscrip-
tion, or to give bond with i wi securitini s lbrifiesad. as by this act provided, then
the subscriber, ad any anoof every director conniving or assenting to such fiilure,
shall tie liable to anly creilitor if the conipany for the full aniount of such sub-
scription, to) be recov erei fioin such subscriber, and director or directors, their
exicutlors, administrators, jointly and severally, by an action on the case.
X II. le 'ii further enacted, That tie corporation may make contracts, or be-
cline c u1nn by aiv instrument, or securitv, ir agreement, or writing, signed by
the presiudnt, or by any person duly nuthorized by lin, or by the president and
directors ; but the legal estate in lands, teliiets and hereditaients, aliened
by the corpiration, shil l pas* to the purchaier only by and under the.corpora-
tion seal
XIll. lie it further enicted, That any legal process against the corporation
Imyi vIe sorved on the piriieu t, anid in case he be not in the State. or evades the
serv it e, the service of the same on any director, or in case there be no director
it to-- Sltate, tihe  service  on anv stickholiler shall be sullicient.
XIV. Be it frther enactei, That it siall lie the duty of said corporation to
kee) a full and fu  record of all their proceedings in) books procured tor that
purpn e, and shall be biunil to produce said records in any court of justice in
anv iuity in the State, when required so to dio b) the court.
XV   lie it further eiacted, That the pre-idnt ald directors shall prescribe
the manner in which stock shall be conveyed or tranrferred from one stockholder
tio anot her, or too any oiher persol ; and that the stock shall be personal property,
and on by succession to executo Irs and admil i nist raitors.
XVI. lie it further enacted, That all the property of said corporation, of
whi veer kind or lnt ure, wih etier lands, naeres,machinery,stuck,gods, bonds
or other effects, shiall be liahle to the satislactioni of the debts of the corporation,
a   %hall be subject to be levied on by execution, attachment, or other legal
prnle's , Hold  sidl.
XVII. He it further enacted, That this act shall be il force from and after
the ratification thecled.
A rACT tograntto the Mceckleiburg Gold iiiing Companyan amentcd charter.
Whereas an nct of' Anitimbly war. piavsed inl [tie year one thousand eight uln-
dred and thirty Ine. eitiled ''-an act to incorporate-the Mecklenbirg Gild
30M111i  CompinillyI, u11d ilij tr iin iQcg  of whih thes sad enrptration haseen
leguirl Hisitued, id s no  inlegl operationi and existence ; and whereas


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