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Resolutions 1833-1834 197 (1833)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0160 and id is 1 raw text is: in reme Court of the United States, in which Lattimore and others are plaintfrs and certain
inlcivhldual in the counties fir 111) wond nnd Mason ar defendants.
lie it further resolvedi, That the G(veroor lie, and lie is herely ntlhorised to throw upon the
Public Treasurer tor such sum oi sulms as may be necessary to ca, ry this resolution into effect;
sad that the 'Treasurer be allowed the sate in the settlement of hi public acei unts.
Resolvel, Thit the Governor be  ntlhoriseu to tender the use of that part of the Govern.
ment House occullied by the lHouse of Comons to tie menihers o1 the Conference of the
Methodist Ppiscnlil Church, which is to meet iii this city in February next, for the purposes
of holding their sessions.
lReselveil, That tile Public Treasurer be, andt lie is hereby directed to publish with the acts
0l'the teser'al Assembly extrlimCs froin the several icts and iarts of acts (t the  eneral As-
seiit y which presciies lie dhnies of nligisllales appoiited to take the list of taxablesirid
tile manuer of giving In list of iroperly For taxaotion; that the siime be so arrangt gi, it itlout
regard to dtile, as ti exhitlit most clearly tlie dly of niagialrates in taking list of'taxable pro-
perty in tieli' iespertive districts, Rid tie iluly ot persons sh ore reqiired to give in prolier-
ty or piersons fir tixrtlion; tngt tier with iruirgiial teferences to the seveial aSets containing the
several provisions as published.
Resolvel, That the president stil directors of the Literary Fnd he suthorised to lraw
uln tile Public l'easutry tlr the several annil aIpropriaitinns ibluich have not been expend.
e. oh the Li, rary Fund, to tae lid out Iliy th.'i in tle purchase oft library for the State; and
that tile library wheni 1roculred shall tie committrl to I heir direction.
Itesolvei: lurther, I tiat the Arsenal shall be prelared, under tie directinn of lite president
and di'ectnrs nif the Literary Fu id, for I tie rece liII oft the State Jilunry, auud shall be a ipro-
printed to this object until otherwise directed by tiis Gueneral Assembly.
Whereas, during the late negro excitement or thureatened insureclinn, the arsenal in the
city ot Ileigh wits entuied, nid many of the public aros taken theurefuon in ani illegal nren-
not iii1 without the coiscut of tile (overnor or Adjitant General, wllich aire now scattered
abnnt and becoming injured from tile want nl usre: Fo rened}5 aheieol,
l.esilh'ed hIly the General Assembly ol North Carolina, That the Adjitait General he no-
tlsiseu, sail hle is telay required to have lie said aims, so Improplerly itiktn as .toresiul,
collectled nd taken care of; snd tflit tie lie authorisil to driw nt pon the Treasurer for the
expllse attending ttiii same; and that the i'reasnree be allowed the Sale in the settleeniit of
his Ilh lic Raeoonlt.                   -
itesoleed, That the Governor and his seucesbors in office be autthorised, ani they are hereby
requir'eid to have placeut lt the girves of all members of the Legislature tht have heon,
or hererlter niny te interred il tie city of Ialeigi, (whise remihus lire not itetiled to tie
removed iy their friends,) a, suitale pir of grave stoia, conttaining the lameo , go  nid couln-
ty that Ie epresented; Pul that lie draw uon tie treasury for the ,moint itieretif; which a-
mouit shall be allowed the Treasurer ia the settlement of' his puhlic accounts.
Resolved, That tile Comptroller be, and in is hereby directed, in tile statement which
hy law het is required ariiually to hreluare unit have prited, in addition to the particulars nn0w
required o lie stated, to state in separate culumns tite number of acres of land and the total
value of the lanul iln each county, ant the value of town property also.
Resolved, That the Luhulie Treasutrer be directeil to pay to the Governor of this Slate the
sum of three hundre ilollars per annnin, from htue commencement of his term of office until
lie shall tie iticed in apossessiot ot the government house, it lieu for house reat and contin-
geot expenses.
Ilesonlved, That Samuel 1. Shepherd, sheriff of Martin county, ie allowed the sum oftlhlr-
tv-six dollirs, which tie alid to the Comptroller by reason of a mistake of the elerk of the
Coutty Court of Martin, uit his return o1 the ilte polls of Martin tor the year eighteen thirty.
Resolved, That the Public Treasurer be directel to deliver to Alfepil M  Sla'e his bon,
tie sald bond hseinug given for the penalt) ineurred by the sheriff of Martin tor failing to settle
for the taxes of one thousand eight hundred anl twenty-six, and that he be released from the
paymieitnit of the same.
adeso ved, That tile Treasurer be authorised to refund to Stephen Owens, Ite sheriff of
Bleaufort couty, the sum ef one hnnireil and twenty-eight dollars, it hating been paid Iby
Said Oweni in consequence of his failure to produce ut his annual settlement certain pedlars'
licenses, but which have sine been returned.
Resolved, That the Public Treasurer pay to Hannah Clarke, administratrix of Jesse Clarke,
deceased, the sum of tliirty-seven dollars and tilty cento, it being the amouut of pension due
aid Joe, Clarke at the tim of his death,

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