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An Act to prevent obstructions in First Broad river, in the county of Rutherford. 1833-1834 178 (1833)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0156 and id is 1 raw text is: be to consfrued ai . t prevent o,vuerq of land on .2JI'creek froni
eitting vwatcr feOcvs across the ,A,4e, or WoI(iilg umils dicatoi; 'nor shall,
aly 'ie)sot incur tile penalty here in rinesciibed who shall hill tiiibcr in'or
obstruct the run ot aid 'reek in cleat in, and imnproving their lan(Is, pro-
vided he, she or tIt ly shall, remove the .qis m e within tI i hi s.   .
I. Be itfur1her enaolv, That ' i ay slave or slaees shall ofiend against
the prvigions ot tis aclxi col1 rictiolli before ally .lusti'e Of the peace, lie,
she or they shall recc: , tIhirty lasheS o the ir b:re batck, ai0d tihe owner.
of the said slavu or slaves shall pay all costs.i
III. Be itf/urther enacted, Th'at'this act shalLbe in fir-ce from and after'
the passage thereof.
Ark uct to lircrent obtrue'iona to lhe rtn ot Iturkfhhi creek, in Dupl;n, and Tar river, in
Frllint  w:}ilntit's,
lie it enacted by the General .tsvmb/,y of the State of Xo'orlh Carolina,
and it is hereby enacted by the authorityi o the same, That front and after
the pa.sage of this act, if any pe'rson Or p'rsotis shall j.'If tiltlier in or bther -
wise' oh .ru Ct the -il of RokIdish creek, ill 1)ullin cOUi ty, roin the Till,-
pentine landing below the ower bridge across said creek to the upper end
of the lake near MArs. BriceeA, or the run of Tar river, witlhin tile limits
of the county of Franklin, such, person so oftienling shall Ioileit aid pay
the saim of twentY dollars for cach and every offence, to be recovered by
warrant before ainyjustice of the peace Of the county ill whiCh such Ofene'
inay be coaoMnitted, one half to the use of tile infolrmer, and the other half
to tle use of the poor Of such county: Provided, that nothing herein con-
fairied shall be so construed as to prevent owners of land on said crekl or
iver'froin crecting water fvnces across the same, or building tnil Is or other
machinery thereon; nor shall any person incur the penalty herein pre-
scribed who shall fell timber in or obstruct 1h run of said creek or river
in clearing or improving their lands, provided he, bhe or they remove the
oame within ten (lays.          --+-
Ai ait to prevent (lie lItlliig  or tinilher in  or otherwise ob tiucting  the run  of Perqumona
Olel, in  t'ertllimonis teiullit,',
Ile it e lnctedwby the Gene'ral lssembly f'the State of Aorth Carolina,
and it is herebu enacted by the aulhoriiy tf the saoie. Tht if' al) pI-rso
or persons shall fall timber in or otherwise obstruct the run of Perquilnons
river, in Perquimons contllv, fromn Newby's bridge to Reddick's bridge,
lie, she or they shall forfeit'and pay the sum of five dollars for each and
every offence, to he recovered before any jurisdiction having cognizance
thereof, to the use of the informner: Provided, that nothing herein coitain-
ed shall be construed to prevent owners of land on said river from falling
timber in o' otherwise obstructing the run of said river i'n clearing anti im.
proving their lands, provided that they shall remove the same within five
days. :
An act to prevent obstrucltnns in Fitst Broad river, in the county of Rutmherford.
1?i it enacted by the General .17sset!dy if ,he State (Y' Norlh Carolina,
and ii in hereby enarted by lie authiorv. of the same. 'thiat hereafter if
any person ox' p(rsons shall fell timber in fr otherwise obstruct the chan- .
w1e of First'Broad river, in the county of Rutherford, from the mouth of
q64 Oyu up to Lu     .e frd, such person or persons shull be doemeo guil-

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