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An Act to incorporate the Richmond Manufacturing Company. 1833-1834 67 (1833)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0152 and id is 1 raw text is: OAPORATIONS.Linnx,&Rs, Lonom.' WoRi1'No Soox rr.        6T
bye laws and repulations, not inconsistent with the constitutinn and laws of
this State, for their own gnverninent, and elect their own officers; and general-
iy doreceive and perform all such matters anti things as rightfully belong to.
or are incident to bodies corporate or politic within this State;, any law or,
usage to the contrary notwithstanding.
An not to incorporate Skewarky Ldge, number minevy, in the town of Vitllinmston.
Be it ciuted by the General IJssenubly of the Statle of JNorlh Carolina,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the tnaster,
wardens and member% which at present are, ir th,,se which may herenfter
become attached to Skewarky Lodge, number ninety, in the town of Wil.
liatnton, be, anti they are hereby constituted and declare(] to be a hody,
corporate anti politic, by the name Of Skewarky Lodge; anti by that name
shall have perpetual succession and a comonn seal; may sue and be sued;
plead and be impleaded; at-quire and hold, sell anti transfer property, real
or personal; and pass such rules, regulations and bye laws for their owVn go..
vernment, as may not be inconsistent with the constitution and laws of
this State.
II. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be iii force from and
after the passage thereor.     -
An act to incorporate the Ladies' Working Society ot St. .ames' Church, in the tomn of WAo.
Whereas the ladies of the Working Society of St. James' Church, in the
town of Wilmington, have by their industry procured the meians of pur-
chasing a lot of land in the town aforesaid, for the purpose of establishing
a charity school; anti whereas said intent cannot be carried into full and
complete ellect wivhout a charter of incorporation:
Be it enacted iy the General ,8ssembhl of the State of North Carolina, and
it is herebvenaclkd b!/ the authority oJ'the same, That Sarah E. London, Ann
Loodou, Elizabeth Lord, Mary L. Orme, Catharine Derosset, Catharine
Harris, Susan Wright, Cathari'ne Price, Frances London, Catharine Robe-
son and their associates and successors, agreeably to the bye laws of said
society, which they are hereby authorited and empowered to make anti pass
for the government thereof, be, anti they are hereby incorporated as a body
politic by the name and style (if the Litdies' Working Society of St. James'
Church;i and by that natne shall sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded;
posses anvi enjoy all the privileges anti immunities ot bodies politic in law;
to purchase, hold, alienate and transfer lands and tenements, goods and
chattels; and to do all other acts and things necessary to carry into eflect
the true intent and meaning of this charter of incorpiration.
It. ..nd be it farther enacted, Th't this act shall be in force from and
after the ratification thereof.
III. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of this act shall cease to
have effect lrom and after the term of twenty years from and after the pass-
age thereof.                   -
An act to incorporate the Richmond Manufacturing Company.
Be it enacted by the General .1ssembly of the State oJ' North Caroilina,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the some, That a manufac..
turing company shall be established in the county of'Richmond, by the

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