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An Act amending the patrol laws, so far as relates to the counties of Camden, Pasquotank, Chowan and Gates. 1832-1833 85 (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0146 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS or, NORTH CAROLINA.                         81
ipo havo power to do and perform any business, matter, or thing which try
existing laws require to be done by seven justices.
IV. Be it further enacted, That more than two of the justices, so elected,
failing t., aithod. or shall die, remove or resign, the remaining number shall
supply the vacancy thus happening, who shall be entitled to receive the
same pay as aforesaid; and all acts and clauses of acts coming within the
meaning and put-view of this act are hereby repealed.
An act for altering the time of electing the county trustee for Orange county.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolind,.
read it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the justices of
the County Court of Orange county shall and may at the February bessions,.
ore thousand eight hundt'ed and thirty-three, of said court, a majority of
said justices being present, elect a county trustee for said county, under
the same rules andregulatipt is as are now prescribed by law; and that the
said county trustee when cleqted, shall give such bond as is now required
by law of th2 county trustee of the said county, for the discharge of the
duties of his office, from, May.teryi, Apro Domino one thousand eight hun-
dred and thirty-thrOe of the Jaid,.court, until February term, one tiousand
eight hundred atid thity-four (if sid gort.,
II. Be it further. enacted by ,t e.aug/4ority oforesaid That the justicem
of the County Court aforeai, ., in1J;qy bing present, shall and may, at
February tern of said court,. m,paclh.an every year, after the year one
thousand eight hundred and thIrty-thre.e. elect a county trustee for the term
of one year, under the some rules, regulations and restrictions as are now
b~y law required to be observed in electing said officer for the county ahorcv-
said; any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
An act amending the patrol laws, so far as relates to the counties of Camden, Pasquo.
tank, Chowan, and Gates.
Whereas by the existing laws now i force, the patiols in sad coiunticp
are not compensated for their setvices: for reiiedy whereol
Be it enacted by the General Assentdly of the State of North Carolina,
and it is hereby enacted by the, authori(y, of the same, That the justices of
the peacn of the Court of Iless wni.QAparterSessions for said counties, a
majority of said justices being prvsept, shall have power and authority if
they deem it necessary, to levy a tax not exceeding twenty five cents on
each black poll in said couqis, ,(or. tho better compensation of the patrols
in said counties, which said taxes 'liall be collected by the sheriflas other
taxes are, and by him paid over to the county trustees, subject to the orders
of said courts.
II. Be it further enacted, That it phall not be lawful for said courts, or
any patrol committee to appoint any person a patroller who is not a slave
owner, except in case of insurrectioni or rebellion.
Ill. Be it further enacted, That all laws and clauses of laws coming with-
in the nesning and purviev of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
IV. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from. and
qfter the firs.t day of February next.

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