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An Act concerning the liability of certain hands in the town of Linconton to work on roads. 1829-1830 76 (1829)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0113 and id is 1 raw text is: tAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA.

Ai act to prevent the felIing Or timber in, or obstructing the run of Pocky river, in a portion
of tIe couiity of Chathamil.
ie it enacted i the General .1isenbtly of the Slate f X0rih Carolina,
and it is hereby enacted by the authority q/ the same, That from and after
the irit day of February next, it shall iiot he lawful for Ivy indivitinal to
oboruct, by felling trees therein, the run of Rocky river, frmin  Fieemna'.s
mill to the intersection of the Fayetteville road with said river at Nathaniel
Ml. Ak on's plaintation, under the penalty of twenty dollars fcr every such
ohwituction, to be recoverable before any jurisdiction having coignizance
thereof, by any inforner, one half to his use, aInd the otier to the use
of the wardens of the poor for the county of Chatham: Provided, that noth-
ing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the owiier- of lands
on said river froi building water fences or mills thereon; nor sha any per-
son incur the penalty herein prescribed who shall fell timber in. or other wise
ohsout the run of said river, in cli ring and improving his, her or their
laids, provided they ,hall remove the ,aie  ithin tell days.
An act concerning the liabilhiy of certain hiands in the town of' Linconton to work on road.
Whereas, by regulation entered into by the cnonissioners of the town
of Lincolnton, all hands in said town are confined, in their working on
roads, to the limits of' said town; and whereas many inhabitatts therein pos-
sess plantations some distance, and work them wilth a number of slaves, who
ought to contribute theji labor to some portion of' tli country roads:
Be it therefore enacted by the General I.isenily -f the State of North
Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the sani  That all
lands belonging to individuals in the town of Linolnton, but workirg on
plantations out of it, shall be considered and regarded as hands attached to
such plantation, and shall be exempt from any regulations of the cominis-
sioners as much as if they lived and resided on such plantation; and it shall
be the duty of the County Court, at the first term of said court which shall be
held next after the ratification of this act, to assign such hands so workinw in
the country to such roads and overseers as they may think expedient, specially
designating such hands, overseer and road; and such hands, for failure or
neglect to labor ps required by law of other hands in tile country, shall be
liable to the same penalties as are now provided.
II. Be it further tnucted, That all laws and clauses of laws coming with-
in the meaning and purview of this act, be. and the same are hereby re-
pealed.                  CHAPTER CXVI.
An act th compel the clerks of the Conly Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Gates
county to keep the wdhole of the records, books, papers, kc. btlonging to his ocfice, in the
office at Gates Court Htouie.
lie it enacted hy the General A1ssenbly of the State of North Carolina,
and it is hereby enarted by he authority of the same, Tiat from and after
the first day of March next, the clerk of the County Court of Pleas and
,Quarter Sessions for the county of Gats shall keep all the papers, books,
&c. belonging to his said office in his office at the court house in GAtes:
and that he shall further keep sonme' proper and suitable person at the office
at least two diys in every week, for the purpose of issuingorders. copies &c.
:I' And be it further eplacted, That the justices of the County Court ne.t


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