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An Act to amend the laws regulating the sale of lands and slaves, so far as respects the county of Montgomery. 1828-1829 63 (1828)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0107 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA.'

and it is hereby enacted by the aulhorily of the same, That the Court of
Pleas ad Quarter Sessions f Adhe county shall hereafter be held, in each and
every year, on the fourth Monday of February, the thirdtl Mnday of' May,
the fourth Monday of August, and the third Monday of November.
An act requiring the county trustee of the eount3 of Davidson to pay the jurors of said county,
un'dIforl other purlposeq.
lie it enacted by the General AssieblY  the State if .Mrth Carolna,
and it is hereby enacted by the authorit o f the same. That the couSty
trustee of tle county of Davidsoi is hereby required to retain so nuci of thia
county ltintIs (when lie receive th I(a intle) a, will ie sulti cent to pay the jutors
of said county, ih prelerence tn all other claims; and that it shall be the duty
ot the said trustee to attend at tle court house of ii. county on the two last
days of the courts, for tlie purpose of paying otf said jurors whenever dis.
11. And beit further enacted, That if the said trustee shall fail to comply
with th iequiIIiisn of this ;i't, lie shall forfeit and pdY the sum of fifty -lol-
lars, recoverable before any jurislictiin haviing ctognizance thereof; ote half
to the use of the informer, and the other hall, to the use of the county; any
law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
An nlot to require the sheriff of [lyde county to selI the old public buildings nt Isid county.
Be it enucted by the General Assembly of the State of North Cm olina, and
it is hereby naceted by the authority of the same l That the Sh'lrule oef il Ivd
county be, and lie is her eby required, on the last Monday of May next, to ex-
pise to public sale to tie highest bidder, the old court house and jail, vith
the lots on vhich they stand, and the public squaire iii the town of Gernanion,
in the aforesaid county, at a credit of twilve nonths; and that the proceeds
ol such sale shall be paid over to the county trustee, for the use of the county
II. Jludbe it further enacted, That all laws or clauses of lawvis coiiga
within the meaning and purview of this act, be, and the same are hereby re*
pealed.                   CIAPTER (CliI.
Ap act to incorporate 1 Chorazin Chapter, No. 1.3, of Roya Arch Mans, inl the town of
Gtreenshoro', in the county  of (G:tiolord.
le it enacted by the General .1semdy of the State of North Carolina, and
it is hereby enaced by the authority of the same, Tlar the high Priest, Kloog
and Scribe, and other olicers and rmipanit'ns of - Chur1a.inr Cli.pter, No. 13,
of Royal Arch Masons, in tie towit of Gireensboro'. in Guilfird county, be,
and they are hereby constituted a botly 1 olitic antI orporate, by 'h e name and
style ol  Chorazin Chapter, No. 13, t Royal Arch Masons,' atd by that
name shall have perpetual succession; may sue and be sued; plead and be
impleaded; have a common seal; hold nautil dipose (f' suchi property as they
may acquire; and in general exercise and enrjov all such rights and privileges
as are usually incident to corporate bodies of the like nature.
,in act to unien l the laws regulating tthe sale of lnds and blaves, so llr as respects the county
Be it enacted by the General .dIesembly of the State of North Carolina, and


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