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An Act to explain and amend an act. 1828-1829 34 (1828)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0106 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTil CAROLINA;

an insdpicion by a physician appointed by the commissiotlers: and the maf-
gistrat' of policeshall possess the same povers in town that ajustice of
ti place does in the riluity.
Vii. .And be itfurther enacted, That every male peron in the town be-
tween the ges of' saiteenand forty five, shall be compelled to work on the
streets whenever r, qired to doi it by the overseer; if any person refoe to
work liinsvlf'. or to senil his servaiits, he shall be subject to pay a tine of lilty
cents For each poll, to be r  ecovir ed as before mi  tioned; andi the commission-
rs may make any iiproveinns it, the town, not inconsistent with individual
rights, whihr they may thnk expidient; ad they may make proper allity-
ance% to the clerk and overseer of the streets for their services; and all forfli-
turi's, fines and taxes shall be paid into the town Treasury for the bendit of
the town.
Vill. .41d he itfurther enacted, that tle niagimrate of police and commis-
Siolers shlt be sworn- into olice by uliv jutie I ol the peace in tile coIunty;
and they shiall swvear to pe'r form   lie duties imnPosed by this act io Ile best of
their skill and abilities. All persons, sixteen years old, whli have been citi-
zAns of the town six months previou to the day of tle election, shall be en-
tilt.. to vote for tle matgistirate of police and coimissiotners: Provided ne-
vertheless, that i) peison shall be eligible to allice unless he-is twenty one
years ohd.
IX. A nd be itfurtiher enacted, That all other acts heretofore passed, regu-
.lating the townm pf Windsor, be, and the same aie hereby repealed.
An act sippkementury to fni at, pssed i the yar eight enl lhu edi ani twenty-six, Chapter
us.hud1   and thirty-three, to) th'e better, regulation Of thle to%%n1  of Gr1-eenlbor0o-, inl Gulil-
ford CnuNv.
lie it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of .Aorth Carolina,
and it is hereby emucted by the authorty oY' the same, That the conmiis-
Sionros of the 1o%n f1 Greenshori1', or a majoity of them, be, and they are
hereby authorised and required ann ally to lay atn  collect, oi cause to be
collected, by Sinme pers.onl appointed by them for that purpose, a tax (o) all
taxable propelt y an polls within the limits of said town sullicient ti, pay pa-
trolv.' ailit otlier uvliers biy them appoinlted; and  o enable them ti make pre-
paratioln agaiist fire, and for other purposes whiih may at any ime by said
commnissioners be funmd necessary fur the protection and better government
of said tovn.
An nctto exIlain andmni an aet, parted  A. 1). 1784, for clearing out and opening the navi-
gal ion ot ' I'm  Rtiver, in JOnes county.
Be it entcted bi the General issumbly If the 8late of Noith Carolina,
and it is hereby enliacted by the althorily o f 1h' saoic, That the (Conty
Court of the county of Jons, a mjoriiy of the acting justices being ptesent,
are hereby authorised and empowered. if they deim  it necessary, to appoint
three commissioners. whose duty it shall be to lay ill' Trent river, front the
town of Trenton oi to tl' inmuh of Tuckelow creek into districts; and the
said cominissioners shall rturn their proceedigs to the ensuing Counity
Court; fili which services said coui t shall inl their discretion, allow themmi corn-
endtiion oiit 1f ilh' ioitv foulds
11. 11e it further enacted, T'hat the Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses-


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