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An Act to prevent free persons of colour from migrating into this State, for the good government of such persons resident in the State, and for other purposes. 1826 13 (1826)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0096 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA.

fortifications thereon; and that the said land has becen valped by
a jury, and the valuation, aionilltinig to the sum of twelve hun..
dred and eighrty-seven dollars, has been paid by the United
States into the 'reasury of North Carolina, for the use of' the
owners of said lnd; but owing to the nerlect of the jury in not
d esiknatinrig ea ch claiialit's rateable proportion of the said suin
of twelve hrunired and eighrty-seven dollars, the Treasurer is
unable to rmike a distribution of the said sum to the satisfaction
of the said claimants; fillr remedy whereof,
. Be it cnicted by the General .'isseumbly of the State of North-
Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, County Court
Th'lat the Court of' Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County if of Caoeret to
Carteret are hereby authorised and directed, at the first Court alppoilt coml-
which shall be horl after the passing of' this act, to appoint five mnsssloners.
commissioners to view the bolbre mentioned tract of land, and
to cause the same to be surveyed if necessary, so as to ascertarin Dl.t of com-
the piOportion of the said sum of twelve hundred and eidhty-n useflSoners.
seven dollars to which each claimant may be justly entitled,
having due regard to the quaitity and value of the lands of the
respective claimants; and the apportionment of the said corn-
imlissioners, or a majority of therim, unler their hands and seals,
shall be filed with tire  ubiic Treasure, whose dirty it shall be utyofPublic
to pay over to the respective claimants or their legal reprvsenta. Treasurer.
tives, the several sums alloted to each by the coninissioners
II. .ludbe it further cnacted, That the coniissioners af'orCsaid Allovance to
shall be allowed for their serivices in this behalf such suin as tire comdision'r
said Court oif' Pleas aird Quarter Sessions for. the county ol for their ser-
Carteret may direct, not exceeding one dollar and fifty cents
each per day, for every day they shall be Iecessarily engaged
inl the duties required by this act, to be paid by the Public Trea-
surer upon the certifirate! of the cle k of tire said court.
Ill. .0;idubc it farther cacted, That this act shall be in force Act to tak-
from and after the ratification thereof.                     immeiudiate fi-
*     C[HAPTER XXr.
An net to prevent free personi of colour from muigratitg into this State, tor the
good govermuent of such persons resitdent in the State, ando lotr othaert purpo-
Be it enacted by the General .Assembly of the State of North- No free negro
Corolina. ard if is hereby enacted by the authority of the same Inr er into
That it shall not be lawful hereafter fr any free negro or nru- iris ste.
latto to migrate into this State: and if' ie or' she shall do so con- PNutty a00,
trary to the provisions of this act, and bcin g thereof informed an upon lai-
shall not, within tiventy days thereaftec, reiove out of the State  t,  ,ot
ie or she, being thereof convicted in    manner hereinafter elt in Foni-
directed, shall be liable to a penalty of five hundred dollars: and ue P1ot m1or
upon failure to pay the samne, vitiin'the time prescribed in the thal to year.
judgment awarded against such person or persons, he or sie
shall be liable to be held in servitude, and at labor for a term of
time not exceeding ten years, in such mairnner, and upon such
termls as may be prscribed by the court awarding such sentence;

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