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An Act to regulate the patrol of Lenior county. 1825 40 (1825)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0089 and id is 1 raw text is: LAW.t OF NORtTHi CAROLINA.

Fark Ci eek to Sua ppernong River; and the said canal is Ierebi made the per
Imnent cliainei i  South Fork Creek, and it shall be unlawful for anY
1ersoln to chiange or ;lte- tie same.
11. De it furithr Cactcd, Thfat if any person or persons shall transgress the
 Uioi ins of the first section of this acl, lie or they shall he subject to Indict-
aeit in the County Court of Tyrrell, and, on conviction, shall be lited at the
discretio'n of the Court. in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars.
.An act Io repeal a:I, passed iii the yur one thousand eight hundired Inld tIwelty Ithree,
Intiled i a act to : nenILid n ac, taIssdt-d iin the Yvul onte Ithuis.ul cight hunid.ed
:IIt it Cwiy 1  10, en0tit   iI  I  aCt  IIakIing  coIpe nsatiion to t   hi urors ofi he II pIIn
n1 (ount1 Urtits u MOore, Cartere t aiid flertic, so f'Mi as the same riclas to the
.ounty of, Moore.
Bt it inacdb/y the (iceral qs6n1t1 ofthe State of North-Carolina, and it
herchy aucted by the afi/uthrity of che sme , That tlie abuve recied act be,
ld the same is herebY repealed.
An aCt to IgUteIC the It)oi of Icilr CoUnity.
tl rnactdb/ /thr Gene'rl.ssemblY of /ic S/uac o/' North-Cu-olinai, anid it
hrchy enacted hy the aIthoi  of' //thar ne, That it Shall be lte du t ofi the
Ii'ourt (if Pleas and Quarter Sesiiois of' the cotiliv of' Leioir,at the first term
o1 said court which shall happen after the first day of' January next, and at
every subsequent term, to appoint not less than fou'r fit and suitable persons
il etch captain's district, whose duty it shall be to patrol their respective
litricts, and any other district within the limits of said county, if they
think proper, at least twlice a month, and oftener if nec-6sary; and should
the said patrol find any ieiro or negroes from  his, her or their master or mis-
tress's plantation on the Suibbatlivlay, or at aity other unseasonable time, vith-
out a ltrmit in writing f'oim the master, mistress, or' overseer of' such slate
or slaves, designating the places to which they it permitted to go, it shall
be the dui of said patrol, or any of, them, to inflict a punishment, not ex-
t-eedin- lfiteen lashes on the hare back of such slave or slaves.
11. Be it further enacted, That it shalt be the duty of the patrol to keep
good order and decormti  among slaves at all public places iii saul county; and
 consideration of* the duties abovi prescribed, the said patrol Shall reeile,
each, the suIn of one dollar and fifty cents frI the time they aire compelled
by this act to serve, an, fior that period shall be eXLIIpt f-m serving lln jilu-
ries, working on roads, andi perl'ormiing iiilitary '(ltii
Ill. Be itfurther rnacted, That 110 perso shall bi compelled to serve as a
patroller in said county for a longer period than three montis in each and
oeViV year.
IV.'Be it further enacted, That if any of the patrol shall fail to perform
the duties prescribed by the provisions of this act, flor every such failure or
neglect lie or they shall florfe it and pay the sun of one dollar and flfty cents,
to be recovered bv any person warrantilng for the same, before any justice of'
the peace of' saitd county.
V. *'and be itfiutnher enacted, That the Coutrt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
of said county shall annually lay such tax on all the black polls in said coun-
ty, as will be siflicient to defray the expenses which may be incurred by the
provisions of this act.

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