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An Act making compensation to Jurors of the Superior and County Courts of Tyrrell county. 1823 73 (1823)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0076 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS 01 NOR'ITH-CAROLINAi                     th
It. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That trd
said two conrts of pleas and quarter sessions of the county of Burke,
lie, and hereafter shall be held on the fourth Monday of April and the
fourth Monday of October, in each and every year.
An Act directing the appointment and time of holding, the Board of Appeals fdr
Washington county, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Caroli-
ita, and it is hereby enacted by the anthority of the same, That from
and after the passing of this act, it shall be the duty of the court ol
pleas and quarter sessions for thecounty of Washington, at May term
of said court, seven justices being present, to appoint three frehmol1
ders, who shall constitutq a board of appeals, and who shall sit at
or near the court-house of said county, on the second day of the term
next following the appointment, and shall so continue to sit during
the said term, unless otherwise ordered by the oourt appointing them.
The said board shall perform all duties already prescribed by law
for the board of appeals, and shall have all the powers granted to
such board.
II. He it further enacted, That the clerk ofthe court of pleas anil quarter
sessions of said county shial give notice at the court-bpu se, during the
term at which such board may be appoinited, of the mnembems coipos-
ing the Board, and of the time and place of their next imeeting; and
in ten days after the rise of said'court, the clerk shall give notice to
the'samne-effect, at two other of tihe mnost public places of said county;
and for neglect of the duty hereby prescribed, the said clerk shall,
upon conviction, pay one hundred dollars ; to be sued for, and reco-
vered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. one half to tihe use of
the partx suing, and the other half to tihe use of tihe county.
Ill. Beit further enacted, That it shall hereafter he the duty of
the justices appointed to take the lists of taxable property in said
county, to return said lists to tihe first day of the next term of the
court of pleas and quarter sessions, after the same shall have been
taken, that the board of appeals may have then at command during
their sitting.
An Act making compensation to Jurors of the superior and County Courts of Tyrrell
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of .Nbrth-Caro-
lina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That in
future, each and every juror who shall be appointed and summoned,
and shall regularly attend the superior or county courts of Tyrrell
county, shall be allowed the sum of sixty cents for each and every
day's attendance, and at the rate of sixty cents for every thirty miles
travelling to and from said courts.

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