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An Act to repeal an act. 1823 58 (1823)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0072 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OP NORTl-CAROLINA.

shall amount to. .Aml provided, that inl no state case brought before
any of the. Said special jnstices, shall the prosecutor he liable or
cliarged with or pay any costs ; any lahv to the contrary notwith-
IV. Be it further enacted, That this, Act shall be in force wil ope.
ration from and after the passing of the same.
A Act to repeal an act passed in the 3car one thousand eight hundred and twunt
two, entitled An Act directiog the time and place f sell ng lands and slaves under
executtiol, so fiatras relates to certain counties therein  minoed.
Be it enaeld by the General Issemblif the State of North-Caro-
lina, and it is herel/ enaced by the authority of the same, That the
above recited act, be, and the same is hereby repealed and ma de
void, so flar as respects the coun ties of Ferquinions, Pasquottink,
Randolph, Brunswick, Sampson and Caimden: Provided, that this
repeal shall not aflect the cases, where either of the parties in the
executioos) ate not residents of the county so exempted from the act
aforesaid: .And previded jurther, that nothing in'this actshall be so
Construed as to ievive either of the acts of 1820 or 1321, alithorising
thi sale of law s and Slaves at the court-houses of said counties
above Ilamed.
An Act to repeal an act passed it the year olle thuiNotd eight hundred a1d twenty.
two, entitled  An Act directing the time and place of sciling lands aull slaves utni-
der execution, solar as respects the counties of Wvashington anC cwHlainovcr.
Be it cnacted' by the General .4ssembly qf the State of .MNrth-Ca-
rolina, and 1it is hereby enacted by tie authority of the same, That the
above recited act be, and the , an is hereby repealed and made
void, so fa as respects the coiuities of Washington and New-lhino-
vet : Provided, that this relcal shall not tliet tle cases where
either of the parties in the execntion are not resiicits of the afore-
said Counties: And prorided fiuther, that nothing inl this act shall
be so constrned as to re ie either of the acts of 182( or 1821, au-
thorisinig the sale of land and slaves, at the court-house of the said
conities above named.
An Act to amend an act, entitled ' An Act directing the time and place of sales of
land and shives under execution.
Be it enactcd by the General .Issembhly qf the State of .North-Caro-
hUn. ant it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from
and after the atification of this act, all sales of land situated in that
part of' Rowan county, called the Forks of the Yadkin, shall be made
at luicksville, oi the Fridays preceding the Mondays prescribed by
the behire recited act, as the days of sale in Rowan county : Provi-
ded, that the Sheriiff, if he belives that the price of the property will
thereby be enhanced, may tiu.apone I lie sale to the court-house, to be
made on the days now prescribed by law,

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