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An Act to regulate the inspection of slaves and for other purposes. 1818 40 (1818)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0045 and id is 1 raw text is: LAINS OPNORTH-CARTANA, 1812.
cavar of the bounties of Lincoln and Rutherfordto rvanw them sepe-
rately. in heir respective (Aunties. 1nesor e hI, oA 1 rcted h the Ea-
jor Geavtlral of that division. Provided tlevertelwi that the colonel ot
the snu~ad.vahy. may and he isIieenhy authusised to hold hi courts mar-
fil its either or hoth of'said counties,:t he may deem most expedienti-
thv Livt t6 the contrary notwithstanding
Art Act ( tulirisetheenrmivionersof the town of Kinsfon in LenoiCounty, to put.
chase *. sete for bilding a ttwiCh and or other itposes
BE it mycled bq th GenieralJssemblU of the .1tite Of .N'orth Curoina.,
td t is hereby eutevd by the authorill  f the siae, That the commis.
sioners of the town of Kntiton in Lenoir County, be and they ire hereby
authori ed antid empoweled to tix on, and purchase of any person or per-
sers. or of any co pqration a Srite for erecting a church within the limits
ot the ygid town or in its lmediate vicinity.
II.  eit further ena toid, Thiat the cotnmistoners of said town be and
they are hxb y authrised to apk. demand, sne for, and recover all sums
of money which havebeen or may hereafter he subscribed for the purpose
aforesaul. which sun ofmoney, when recesved by the said commissioner s,
shall he by them applied to the purposes of pur chasing a scite for a church
as aforesail, and of erecting a chuvch of such dimensions and ofsuch ma.
teriah as they  ay thi;tk pIoper, which chitch when completed shall b.
free for l denoiniations of christians: Provided neverthelvss, that it
the said commissioners shall not have it in their power to purchase a sudi.
able scite, then and in that case they shall have full power and autharity
to seIl any part-of the town commons not exceeding two acres for the pur'.
pose of ereetingsaul church on. aniy law.' or usage to the contrary notvwith-
An Act tO regt th the inspection of st esnd for other purpose.
ii onlactea i* the Geeral Awenby tcj the >tatv oj iorth Caroina,
and it is iiereby encflted by the authorty ofhe same. 'That ;he court of pleas
a'mi quoatet sessions of the county of Gew.tanover, at its session ht.
den after the tirst day ni .fatia Ynext, an thereafter as often as vean-
cies may occur, shall appoint at least two white pisons to act as inspec-
tors ot staves in the town of Wlmiigto:.
I1 Ai beit ftrtherenacted. That ftrin and after the second Monday
in Ft4br tarymiext it sakl 1nthe lwful for any liee negromulatto ora-
nyslave'to act-as inspector of stavesand any person who shall in viola.
tion of this'act, employ any such fiee ut roj ntilatto or slave as an in-
spector of staves; shall fol each and every olence forfeit atd pay the
sum of ine han:dsed dollars, to the use of th e inortnwr pvobecuin g for
the same, to be recovered before aniy court having unisdction thereof.
Ill. .Atu1 be it further evacted, That allstaves and neadiig heretofore
inspected,slhall be culled and the refuse sparated fronm the merchantal
ble, exepqt thiere be aw agieemeit between the purchaser and seller, that
the same shall not be done.
IV. .iad lic itfurther enacted, That the inspector who shall cull and.
se   rtVate e agreeabjy to tie directions of this act shall be entitled to

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