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An Act to vest in the Superior Court of this State, the exclusive power of emancipating Slaves. 1818 21 (1818)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0041 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORrH-CAROLINA


-.11. .'ind ie it further enacted. That all Grants or Deeds issu-  1818
-ed from tle. olnle of the late Earl Granvlle and not already re  *.'
gistered, may have a further time of twelve months allowed for
registvation, and the proof necessary thereto shall be by pority
ofhiands, which shall be good and valid in law. Any law to the
.oatrary notwithstanding.
An Atto repoal so much of the four-th section ofan Act pssel in the year mwe
thousand eight hundredi and fnurteen, concirning Divorce and Alliniony, as rte
.quires the interference of the Legislature to rutity thejudgient, Sentence or De-
crea of tke Superior Courts. -
Be it enacted biy the General Assembly of the State of North- Judgment
Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, in Supenpr
Court. Ve6;
That so much ul.the fourth section of the above recited Act, asetusive:
requires the sanction of the Legislature before any judgment,
sentence or decree of the Superior Courts can be final in dissol-
ving the bonds of matrimuony, be, and the same is hereby repeal.
1d : and the judgment of the Superior Courts in such cases,
shall be conclusive as other judgments uf the said Court, saving
to the parties a right or appeal as in other cases decided in said
Cour ts.                      *
An AcL granting (nrther time to perfeet titles to lands within this State.
le it enacted by the General .Assentbly of the State of North
Carolina, and it is hereby enacted bg the authority of the same, Allowe'
That the time for perfecting titles to all entries of vacant lands tin 1821.
made within this State, and entered since the year one thousand
eight hundred and ten, and upon which the purchase money shall
be or may have been paid in due time, shall be, and the same is
hm rehy extentled to the first day of January one thousand eight
hundred and twenty one : Provided, that nothing contained in
this act shall affect the rights of persons claiming under grants
honefide issued since the year 8ID.
11. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect
from and itumediately after the ratification thereof.
An ACT fixing the sum hereafter to be paid to the State for vacant lnds.
1e it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of AMarth Ten Cmt,
Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the eane, per 'cre.
That ten cents per acre, shall be paid to the treasurer for every
.acre of land hereafter entered in this State ; any law to the con-
trary notwithstanding.     -
*qudlt to vest in the Superior Courts of this State, the exclu-
sive iower of enancipating Saves.
Ile it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of .North.
Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,
That from and after the passing of this act, the poWer of eman.
cipating slaves be, and is hereby exclusively vested in the Supe
rior Courtp of Law of this State,; and to be governed by the

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