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An Act to emancipate certain persons therein mentioned. 1811 37 (1811)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0019 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTl-CAROLINA,
pence on every hundred acres of land, and four shillings on every hundred pounds value of town property; whichi8m1
tax the Sheri of the siid county shall collect, under the same rules and regulationk as the public taxes are collected,(
.and be paid over by him to the Wardens aforesaid, for the use of the poor of said county.
'i1 4nd be itfurther enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its passage ; and that all acts and claus-
es of acts coming within the neanin- and purview thereof, are hereby repealed and made void.
An Act to amend an Act, entitfed An Act to regulate the Fisheries o Ito.'ooke and Cashie rivers, passed in the ycar one thou.
sand eight hundred and ten.
BE it enacted by the General Asembly of th,- State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of
(he Name, That f*on awll after the pssng: .if this act, the ahove recited act shall be construed to extend to all the
Scine-Fishecries which now are oi' m ty be hereafter established oil Roanoke river, abave the mouth of Kehukey creek.
II. .dad be it further enacted by the autharity of the same, That the several seines on Roanoke and Cashie rivers
chall cease to liawl at day-break .n Wed us'1ay and Sn iday, and inty commence hawling at day-break on Thursday
and Mondaiy in each and every week, during the time prohibited by the above recited act.
An Act to regulate the Fisheries on all the water-courbes emptying into Roanoke and Cashie rivers.
BE it enacted by the General Jesembly of the State of .Mrth-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of'
die same, That friom and after tae passing of this act, it shall be considered that all Fisheries on the water-courses
cmnpiying into Rloaouke and Cashie rivers, shall be undar the same regulations and restrictions as the iisheries on
Roanoke aid Cashie.
An Act to prevent any person or persons from obstructing the passage of Fish ui Noyock creek, in Currituck county.
BE it enacted by the General Adsembly of the State of orth-Carohna, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of
the same, T'hat it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to sct a net, or wave n)re than oace half across said
Mayock creek, in the county of Currituck, fon the first day of April until the last day of May, in each and every
year, froin and after the passing of this act.
rII And be it further enacted, That any person or persons, upon conviction of violating this act; for each and every
offence, shall forfeit and pay five pounds, to be applied to the sole use and benefit of him o triem suing for the same,
before any jurisdiction having cognizance thereof ; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
An Art for the removal of obstructions to the pasage of Fish in Mountain creek, in the county of Rutherford.
BE it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authoruty (/
the sane, That on or belbre the first day of reuir'u-iy next, the proprietors oft all clams, traps, hcdges, and other ob-
St uctions to the  ssage of Fish up Mountain creek, in the county of Rutherford, fiont the mouth to the main fork
1)- low I lamilton's and Bhminn's mills, shall cause the sonic to be removed by forming a slope therein, suffi:ient foi'
the passage of Fish as aii esaid ; and the same shall be kept open from the first d-'y of Februamy, until the first day
of May, in each and every yer.
11. And be it further enacted, That each and every person who shall violate the true intent and meaning 6f this
act, shall forfeit and p'y the sum of five pounds f)r each und every offorcc, to be rt covered by warrant before any
Justice of the Peace, one half to be applied to the use of tle county, and the other half to the use of the peSol su-
iin for the same.
An Act to repeal an Act, entitled An.Act to lay off'and ascertail tit! boundaries of the several Fisheries ori Chowan river, passe8
at Raleigh in the year.one thousand eight hundre:d and five.
WHEREAS the above recited act has not produced the effect which was expected and intended by the said law:
BE it there/ore enactedi by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the au-
-thority of the ran-, That the above recited act be, and the sirue is hereby repealed and made utterly void.
Ani Act to restrain all persons from throwing fish-garbage into the waters of the Frying-Pan, in Tyrrel county, and Great Alligatoe
BE it enacted by the General Aenembly of the State ofhNorth-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of
the saie, That from and after the passing of this act, if any person or persons shall clean herrings and throw the
garbage into the Frying-Pan or Great Alligator river, in Tyrrel county, or cause it to be done, he, she or they shall
forfeit any pay for each and every such offence, the sun of five pounids, to be recovered before any Justice of the.
Peace of said county, one half to the use of the informer, and the other half to the use of the poor of said county;
any law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding.
An Actto emancipate certain persons therein mentioned.
-BE it enacted by the General Assembly of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the sa.e,
That Prince, a Negro man, formerly the property of James Baird, late of the county of Lincoln, and Rose, the wife
of the said Prince, be, and the sAid slaves are hercrhy emancipated and rninde capable of exercising, holding and ca.l
joying all such rights as if they and each of them had been horn ft'ee-P'ovided always, That the propecty w hich
tay person or persons, other than such person or persons as claim by, fiom or through the s'id James Bird, shalt
not be impaired by thisnct,aor shall this act extend to defeat the creditors of the said Jumes Baird of their just debts,
but the siid Prince shall remain liable to satisfy the sane.
I[. And be itfurther enacted, That this act shall not take effect, or be considered in force, until the heirs eor repre-
aentatives of the said James Baird shall enter into bond with security, payable to the Chairman of the County Court of
Lincoln, in such sum of money as may be by the said Court required, to be void on coluition that the Ne groes t-
tended to be emancipated by this act, do never become a public charge; and that they shall also stand bound by
tice said bond for thei' good behaviour.
I                         An Act to emancipate certain persons therein mentioned.
BE it enacted by the General .Asenbll o the State of North.Carolina, and it is herchy enacted bU the authority of
the/ same, That the following Negroes, the property of William Williams, Esquire, of Martii county, to wit, Ilo:;on,
Penny, and Freeman Hill, are hereby emancipated and mada free, and shall be entitled to all the privileges of rlec
pet sons of colour within the State, in the surne manner and to all intents and purposes as if they ltad been born free:
Provided, That the emancipation of the said Negroes shall not injure or prejudice the clain or claims which al'
person or ptrsons,exccpt Wilham Williams of Ma'tiin, mnay have tithe said Negrota.

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