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An Act extending the Law respecting Insolvent Debtors to free Persons of colour. 1810 15 (1810)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0014 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF NORTH.CAROLINA.

CHAP. XVIII.                                       1810
An Act relating to Bonds given by Sheriffs and Clerks of the Superior Courts and Courts of Pleas and Quarter
BE it enaefld by the Gnerzal Affetnbly of the Slate of North Carolina, and it is when suit.
hereby enacted by the authority of the Jame, Thai all fuits on Sheriffs, Superior- Cirt On1 k <id
Clerks, and Clerks of the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Seflions boids,. if the right of biau be brot.
afion has already accrued, thall be commenced and profecuted within three years
after the pallage of this a8, and not afterwards.  And all fuch fuits, i cafe the right
of aEtion thall accrue hereafter, thall be commenced ind profecuted within hx years
after the laid right of ation (hall have accrued, and not afterwards, faving neverthe.
lels the rights of infants, feme coverts, and perfons non coinpos menus, fo that they
fue within three years after their dilabilities are removed.
An Act regulatng the node of aprolrting Jurors for the County Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of this State.
BE it ena led by the General Afembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is
hereby ena led by the authority of the fame, That the jurors of the courts of pleas and cCors to
quarter tellions, fhall, in future, beappointed in the fame manner, and drawn out ofoo be appoint-
the fame box, as jurors to the fuperior courts of law and equity within this State : ulpsjuiorsto
Provided however, and be itfurther enacted, that thotild the name of any Juflice of
the Peace be drawn for the county court, the fame (hall be returned into the box from
which it was taken, and another ticket drawn out in his place.
An Act extending the Law respecting insolvent Debtors to free Persons of colour.
WH ER E AS doubts have arifen whether free perfoms of colour are entitled to the
benefits arifing to the citizens of this State under the a& refpefling infolvent debtors: Preambl.
For remedy whereof,
Be it enacted by the General Affembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby
enacted by the authority of the fame, That the laws now in force in this State granting Lawextended
any privilege to infolvent debtors, are hereby extended to all free perfons of colour'  t  icr-
tinder the fame rules, regulations and reftriEtions, to all intents and purpofes, as the.s of
ats now are to infolvent debtors; any thing to the contrary notwithilanding.
An Act allowing further time for registering Grants, proving and registering Deeds, liesne Conveyances, Powers
of Att rney, Bills of Sale and Deeds of Gift.
BE it enaRed by the General Affembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is
hereby enafled by the authority of the fame, That all grants for land in this State, all
deeds of mefne conveyances, powers of attorney under which any lands, tenements or Two years
hereditaments, have been or may be conveyed, bills of fale, deeds of gift already longer allow-
proved as deeds of conveyance are required to be proven, or which may hereafter be ed for reris-
proved, thall and may, within two years after the paffing of this aa, be admitted to &c.
regiftration, under the fame rules and reftriaions as heretofore appointed by law; and
faid grants, deeds, mefne conveyances, powers of attorney, bills of Cale and deeds of
gift, thall be as good and valid as if they had been proved and regiflered within the
time heretofore allowed; any law, ufage or cuftom to the contrary notwithflanding.
II. And be it further enacted, That whenever a deed for the conveyance of lands
within this State, has been or may be executed in any part or place without this State, Mranner of
and the fubfcribing witnefs or witneffes are alfo without the State, that then and in that proving devs
cafe, it thall and may be lawful for the court of pleas and quarter feffions of the county aout
in which fuch lands lie, to diret a dedimus to two or inore Commiffioners in the State
where the fubfcribing witnefs or witneffes relide, empowering them, or either of them,
to take the acknowledgment or probate of fuch deed, and to return the fame, with a
certificate of fuch probate or acknowledgment, to the laid court; whereon fuch de-
dimus and certificate of probate or acknowledgment, and the deed itfelf, (hall be ad-
initted to regiftration, which regifiration (hall be good and effeaual, to all intenus and
purpofes: Provided always, that in cafe of the death of a fuibfctibing witnefs or wit-
neffes to any deed or other infirument requiring regiflration, fatisfaElory proof of the
hand-writing of fuch deceafed witnefs. to.ethet wih proof of the hand-writing of the
grantor, thall be fufficient for that purpofe.


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