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An Act to emancipate Ben, a man of colour of Hertford county. 1809 41 (1809)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0011 and id is 1 raw text is: CHAP. CXXXT.                                                    180;
,An Act to confirm the claims to freedom of Kitty, the wife of John Carruthers Stanly and of Eunice Carruthers Stanly, Ktty ---j
Green Statly and Alexander Stewart Stanly.
WHEREAS, upon petition of John Carruthers Stanly, of the county of Craven, to the court of pleas and
quarter sessions of spid county, for a licence to emancipate and set flee the following slaves, to-wit, Kitty his
wife, and his two children Eunice Carruthers Stanly and Kitty Green Stanly, the said court did, at their March
terni, 1805, order the said slaves to be emancipated : And whereas doubts are entertained whether the said or-
der for emancipation be valid, and there has since been born of the said Kitty, wife as aforesaid of the said John
Caruthers Stanly, another child of the name-of Alexander Stewart Stanly ; and whereas it is the earnest request
of the said John Carruthers Stanly that all doubts as to the freedom of his aforesaid wife an d children may be
removed, and justice seems to require that this request be complied with
Beit therefore enicted by the GeneralAssembly ofthe State ofNorth-Carolinaana'It is hereby enacted by the
authority of the same. That the said Kitty, wife of the aforesaid John Cairuthers stanly, and the said Eunice
Carruthers Stanly, Kitty Green Stanly and Alexander Stewart Stanly be emancipated ; and they the said Kitty,
vife as aforesaid oF the said John Carruthers Stanly, the said Eunice Carruthers Stanly, Kitty Green Siai ly td
Alexander' Stewart Stanly be, and are herchy declared to be entitled to all the rights and privileges of freedom,
as though they and each of them had been born free, any law, usage or custom to Uhe cohtrary notwithstandsIg.
Al A ctto emancipate an set free certain Neg'.es, lr'nerly the property of Alekander Woric, late of Tredell county.
1VHEREAS Alexander Worke, Esqurire, late of Iredell countY, deceased, hath left a las' will and testamentary writin,
'wherein he desires that certain negroes, then belonging to him, may he emancipated and set free, under certain conditions,
and has also provided that the said ncgros shall not become cliargeabie to the State,
Be it therefore enacted by the Gener d Assbly of the'State of. .orth-Carolina, and it is hereny entdi by the nutiority qf the
came, That from and after the passing of this set, the fbtsow ing leg-roet late the property of Co  A lexandier Worke, of Iredell
county, he emancipted and set free, (to wit) Peter, andi Sall his wife, Big Peg, niece of sasd Peter, and the said Peg's soa
Harry, ofa vellow complexion, and a boy by the name of Ned, Grannv Nan, Old Bet the imother of 11age, and Old Hannah.
And the said negroes Peter. Sall, Big Peg, hlarry, Ned, Granny Nan, Old Bet and Old Hannah, are hereby ermancipated and
et free and shall be enitled to all the privileges of free persons of colo r within this State, in the same manne' and to all
intents and purposes as if they were born frc. Provided, That the emancipat on of the said negroes shall not injure oe
prejudice the claim or claims of any person or persons otoer than the heirs and legatees ofthet said Alexander Worke, dece'ased.
,An Act to confirm the claims tofreedom of George, amanof colour,-agreeablcto the petition of Win. Iteii,ofRandolph conty.
W HEREAS upon the petition of William Bell, of RandIlph county, one of the esecuitors of' ichard Sayrs, late of said
sounty, stating that the said Richard, in his last will and testament, dirttel and willed that G eorse, a mulatto boy, now a
mnan grown aid of full age, might be emancipated and set free, and be know annd called in' future bY the nane of'GeorteSaiyrs,
Be it therefore e7acted by the Gener i .ssemblo of the State of .Vb'rth- Carolina, and it is here5 elacted by the authorit If the
saime, That the said mulatto man George, herea'ter to be ' called and known by the name of George srs, is hereby emsanci.
pated and set free, and shall be entitled to all t- privileges of free persons of -colour within this S!ate, in the same manner
,and to all intents and purposes. as if the said George had been free, any law, usa c or custom to the contrary notwithstanding
Provided, That the said George Sayrs shall not be entitled to the right of suffrage.
h             .m to    o   o    CHAP. CXXXIII.
An   etto confirm the claimstofl-eedom of Georg, a man of colour, agiceable to the petition ofmlV. nell, ofRTandloli enunt'.
IIEREAS upon the petition of Villian iell, of' Iandolph county-, one of tihe executors of iticharl sac's, l.te ofunty,
tounty, stating that the said Richlird, in his last will and testament, directel and willed that (rIars, o  a
snan grown and of 1'll age, might be emancipated and set fIutc, and be known anti calle in futu tr ,a nultton  a
Be it therefore enactedbt the General .lssembig of the State of North-CarIoina, arul it is herebil eclt' by tna e nutorgie .'trs
etine, That tie said mulatto man George, hereafter to be calleid and known by the name of(' George a   ishe rty of the
2 pated and set free, and shall he entitled to all the privileges of free persons of colour within this srte, inhe  ensa nhe inner
.ovnd to all intenu :and purposes, as if the sail George had been free,any raw, usage or custom to ite contrary otitit1ti
Yrovided, 'That the said George Sayrs shall not be entitleud to the right of'suffrage.          notwithstanding________
An Act to emancipate Dali'', the property of Thomas Trotter of Washington cotnty.
Be i naed by tire Genera Assembly of the State oflorith-Carolina, and it is Jerey enacted by the authrity of the s Tma, taal
from and after thf passing of this act, Dvid, the property of Thomas Trotter, of tile countv of WV ashington, be audhe-is
hereby emancipated$ and entitled to all the rights and privileges of' freedio, in as full and ample mranner to all intents aid
purposes as if he the said David had enloyed his freedom from his nativity : abd ie shall henceforth be called and known by
the name of David I hompson, and shall enjoy all the cights and Pberties that appertain to freemen of colour. Provided, Tha,
this .ct Ahall not be so construed as to affect the claim os' any creditecr of the said Thomas Trotter.
Wead three -times and ratfed in General ssey                                        JOS. RIDDTCKT, S_ S.
21st Decemberi, 1809. eT. DAVIS, S. H. C.

An'Act for the further relief uf Debtors           Page 1
To regulate tie lanks of Newber and Cape.rear         2
In aid of the University of North-Cr'ohina            a
To raise a revenue for payment of thle civil list, &sc. fin' 1810 it).
To regulate tile r'idings of the Sup). Courts of Lawj,& Equity- 4
To authorise and empower Judges of Sup. Courts of Lraw and
% Equity to appoint Solicitors in tie recess of the Lgislai tre  5
To amend'and explain in act to give loncurrent jurisdiction
to the superior and county cott'ts,  -ib.
To amend an act to allow interest on judgments on contracts ib.
To amenrd an act to restrain Justices from holding rippoint-
ments inconsistent with the nature and duties oftheiroffice ib
11equiring the Attorney-General to attend the Supreme Court ib
Granting to each county all fines, forfeituires, amercements &
tax-fees, for paying the expence of' State prosecutions. &c. ib.
To prevent the circulation of' small promissory notes  -  6
To prevent frauds against the State, and make sabsequent en.
. tries.on land valid in certain cases  -  1. .       lb)
To amend an, act to annex part of Burke to Rutherford county  7
I)irecting.how persons iujtred by public mills shall proceed  ib
To prevent speculations in obtaining Lands, &c.        8
To recognize the Currency of'the United States  n     lb
To continue in force acts ceding to the U. S. certain LandN  9
To amend the 3d clause of the 16th chripter of the acts of' 1790 ib
To amend an act to secure property to Religious Societies  ib
To protect the decency of Divine Worship  -  -    -,, 10
To amend an act erecting a part of Bincombe into a separate
county; also part of Brunswick &. ilPrden into a separate co. ib
'To annex part of Bladen to tire county of Columbus - ib
To annex Smith's island to llrunswick county, and part of
Eagle's island to the county of Newd4lamrer         11

To amenil the laws on the subiect of Navigation  .  .  I
To amend an ract to restrain narried persons from marrying
again whilst then' formter wives or husbands are living  12
To rdterarn act respecting the puiblicatioin ttfrnutwiv negroes it).
Giving flurther timie fbr 'probate itf'deedsfu'om (iranville's office lb.
For establishing a Manuiactoring Company in litertie county 13
To aiuthorise the N. C. Iatawba Company to raise a sum to
complete the navigation of the Cataw hit river  .   14
Giving Upep & flaw river Navigation Co. a similar privilege ib.
To facilitate and open the navigation of Lumber river  ib
To amend an act to establish two turnpike roads ini the wes-
tern parts of this State - * - 1.5
To appoint commissioners to open a road from the Crab Or.
chard, in Ilaywood county, towards Augusta          ib
To t stablish a turnpike fiom Iuncombe court-house, over the
Saluda Gap, to the South-Cariroli line   -    -
To extend the term allowed to lugh and Mitchell Davidson,
for keeping a turnpike on the Ca alouchie road  .   ib
To prevent stops, dams, &c. to the running of fish in Grant's
d ceck, in the county of Rowan   -     .      .     ib
To regulate the Fisheries on Cape-Fear river  .  .    jb
To amend the acts relative to fish in the Peedee & Yadkin  17
To plevent working seines or setting nets in the channels thro'
marshes that separate Pamtico from Albemarle Sound. &c. ib
To prevent persons from working seines or ski:.ning with
,,nets in Neuse river,onSundays, &c.from roann.15 to April25 ih
To make compensation toljurors in Richmond county     21
Incrcasing the compensation to the jurors at Italifax courts ib.
To provide for the payment of'jurors in Northanipton co'y  22
Directing the manner of appointing jurors in Person county ib.
Altering the times of holding the'couirts in Carteret  ib.

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