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An Act to emancipate Charlotte Greene and Leon Greene of Chowan County. 1808 40 (1808)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0005 and id is 1 raw text is: ' fATVS OF NOIlt-CAMittNAL.

1808Riiddick Lassi'er ; and the nnite'of Jesse R tdl l, of Randolph county,, be, and it is hereby altered to the,
Onime ofJsse Thrnbury ; John Banks, of Wilkes county, to that of John Gold; Frederick Lipsey, ofJone
county, be, and it is hereby-alterel to the onutne of Frederick,Foy ; an I the namesof Samuel Edwards, Polly
Edwards, Sarib Edwairds and Llizabetlh Edwatdi to be altered to Samitel foody, Poily Moody, baral Miody
aid Eliziheth Moody; and that. the name of John Tariton to that of John Pearcie, and Gideon Broadstreeft to
that of(ideoi Perry of the county 'of Johnston ;.'and-Richa'd Pendleton, Jeremiah Pendleton and Curtis Pen.
dleton, to be alieeeelto that of Richaid Beason, Tereminh Ulenati abd Curtis Beasun, 'of Surry county ; the
name of Anderson Green Pauilden, (f Granville,.to that of Anmlerson Green Harris.
An Act to legitimate the Persois therein mentioned.
Be it enacted 4y the General Assembly oj'the State of North Carolina, aid it'is hereby'ehactedlbj the au.
thority of the same, That Thomas Staten andt Frederitk Stateni sons of Jesse Staten of. Edgecomb cluiity,. be
ald they ate inever hereafter legitimated and made cap 1ble to possess, inherit and enjoy, by descent ot other
wise, any estate, either real or, persoial, to all intents and irposes as if they had been born in actual wedlock.
Ail Act to etnancipate Joseph Blackwell of the County -of Brunswick.
WHEREAS it.is represented to this General Assembhly, that Blackwell Ml'Alister, iflBunswickconty, was
manumitted and set free for meritorious services by him rendered ; and that he has purchased and paid for
N5 gry ldson,' Joseph lllackwell,and that he is desirous thet the said Joseph should be emancipated by an act
of this L -qislature,
Be it therforeenedd b   e Genrl Asibl of the State of Aorth.Ctirolina, andit is hereby enacted by
-Me authority of the same, That Joseph 10acklt l1, ofhe county 4f l te-wick, h., and he is hereby emancipated
atat set free, anl deLlared to possess all the r:ghti, privileges and advant igt s, in as full dnd ample manner
as if Ir, the said Joseph had been born free, any law to the ctarary nutwithitanditn),
An Act toemancpaite Charlotte Grecuie atid Leon Greene of Chowan County.
WHEREAS it i, represented to this General Asaembl- . that Rose, a free wvonan ofcolor, late the property,
of ingus Cabatrus, of Chowan coutty4 was emat ipate d by the court of said county ; ami that the said Angus
Cabartus has since , ade. to the sail Rose, a deed of g ft &f her two children Chatlotte aid Leon,
Be it en-c ted bl; the General. Asrembly f the State of Noith-Carolina, and itiv hereby enacted by the au.
'thority of the same. That the negro slaves Chat lotte atid Lernn, be, and each of them is hereby emancipated'an4
set fre. ; _11d hey a1d eachfof them may heeaftermake and tse the sirname of Greene, and are hereby declared.
to be able and capaible in iaw to possess and enjoy all the rights and privileges of fiee persons of mixed blood
in his State, in as full :nd a ijile a manner as the several laws heretolore enacted will permit.
A h Act to restore to Credit John Stark of ihe County of Granville.
He it enqeted by the Gener J Asse mbly of the State of North.Carolina, andit is' hereU ehatted by the au.
thority of the same, That Joho Stark, ef the county of (ranville, be, and is tvrelhy restored to the tights and
privileges .f a citizen, in as full and ample a nmner-as if he had ni ver forfrited his right by a coinviction ; and
he is hereby declared capable t) depose and testify in any court of record, and before any juribdiction whatever,
any law -o the contrary tiotwvith'tandinfr.
An Act to restore in Philip Halcombe, cf But combe County. ihe Privileges of a Citizen.
BE it enrcted by the General Assembly of the State of.North-Carolina' and it is hereby enacted by the au.
thority of the same, 'I hat the privikgts of tt citiztn be, a, d are hereby restored to Philip Hulcoibe, of'the
county f Buncobnhe, and is made able and capable iht law to sue and be sued, plead 'and be impleaded, and to
depose and testify in all cases where the same may be tiecessary, inl as full and amp!c a manner, to all intentm
and purposes, as if the said Philip had never forfeited such rights by a convictiotn of any crime whatever,  any
law to the contrary notwithstanding.
.Read three times and ratifed-in General AjfeMbly,
the 23d)llay of, December, 1808.
WIbL. GASTON), eRAsa OF 'ru       House oF CosM 941.
WILL. WHITE, Secretary.

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