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An Act to prevent the masters and owners of vessels and boats, and other persons from trading with Slaves. 1805 16 (1805)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0003 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS dF          ,CARO!)M.
1805                                  CHAP. XIX      I
An at to amend the third soction of an act passed in the yearesae thousand eightimidred
and one, concerning Wrcks.
WHEREAS many difputes and much inconvenience happens by tlere being
-Preanb.. no perfon antberifed by law to fuperin tend the fales of fach property as may be
firanded- on the fea coaft within the counties mentioned irr the before 'recited a.,
Be it iraded by the General Afembly of the State of North-Carolina, That in
t  future, the Cpmmifloners, in .each of the counties of Currituck,. Car-teret, Ons..
snel sranded low, New-Hanover and Brunfwkk, thall be deemed the proper oflcers to adver-'
Case5,    tife and expofe to fale at public au8ion, any cargo or cargoes. which may be
Except the thranded or caft on fhore in his or their. refpeaive diflri8s, except the captain,
eapain, &c. owner, merchant or confignee (hail-chufe.to fuperinteno fuch falehimfelf, orto
fmove the property without felling it.   And acdh CoinmilliQner aforefLid -Tal
provide himfelf with books fuffivint, and (hall record in them all fuch fails by
him made, and Thall deliver to the captain, -oner or merchant, or oher perfon
concerned, a true account of any fuch fMeor fales which (ball havebeen made.
And the raid Commiffioner fliall receive for fuch fervice two and a half.per cer.
on the amount of all fuch fales.
1; U. a o- II. Be.it furtArmnatled, That no perfon who thall hold ay office or drputt-
-ua i.ns tion under tic United States, thall aa as a. Commiffioner in either.Qf faiid counties
s    : , Cc  III. And be it further.enucted, That the third feion of .the before recited ad
is hereby repedled and made void.
An Act to prevent the masters audownerp of vessels and boats, and other permons from
trading with S'aves.
BE it enacted by the General Affembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it
s hereby enacted by the authority of thefaie, That if, after the paffing of this a&,
anty malter or owner oFany veff-l or boat,.or aniy other p*,rlom belonging to, or
on board of any vifel or boat, lying or being within any river, bay, harbour br
as crcek, withbin the State, thall buy, fel, or curry on an kind of trade. or mer-
,ave&     chandize to and with any flave or flaves, without permiffion from the maler, mif-
trels or owner of fuch flave qr flaves, fich inAfter or owner, or other perfon, fo
buying, felling, or carrying on trade or merchaindize. (hall, .for cvcy fuch of-
fence, forfeit. and pay the flun of thirty pouis, to be recovered before any ju-J
rifdtction havin3 cognizance of the fai  any lav, ofage or cutom tQ the con-
trary notwithftanding.
An Acthitter to regu'a'e anl ascerta n the Pilctageiwhich shall be alowa:4 0 , Pilois at Or
cacock Inlet, in the deveral-sounds land rivers to whkih thev ta e vessh uiat do not.be,
long to'the State of North-Carolina.            V    -    -
WHEREAS greatinconveniencie! have arifen to pilots from  oafters of veffels
amble.  that do not belong to the State of North-Carolina: For remedy whereof;
Be it enacted by the General Alfembly of the State of North-Caroliia, and it is
hereby enacted by the authority  thefase, That from and after the paffing of this
aa, all pilots legally authorife to'take charge of veffels to bring in over Occa-
Riteatobea. cok Bar, or up to either of the pots of Newbern, W-athingtonl, Edenton or
**'* oP- Camden, or offering to take fuch charge, if no other authorifed pilot is on board
'     faid veffel, thall be entitled to demand and receive front the commander-of fucl
veffel or veffels as they may have cliarge of, the following pilqtage, to-wit: For
'every veffel or veffels not belonging to the State of North-Carolina, provided
fuch veffel or veffels be above forty tons burthen, from the outfide of the bar,
at any diftance within the limits of pilot ground to Beacon Island Road or Wal-
lace's Channel, if drawing lefs than eight feet water, feven dollars; and for all
veffels drawing eight feet water, and lefs than ten. feet, one dollar for eveqy foot j
and for all veffels drawing ten feet and upwards, one dollar-and fifty cents per
foot; and two dollars for each veffel over either of the Swathes; and from the
Swafh Straddle to either of the ports of Newbern or Wafhington, one dollar and
fifty cents per foot, and from the Swafh Straddle to Edlenton, fifteen dollaro..and
to Camden, twelve dollars and fifty'cents, atd the fame allowances down and out,
as in and up; any laws, ufage or cuftom to the contrary notwitbilanding.,.
' ecad three t.umes, and raffled ia General Ae-embly,
she Ith day of December, 1805, -
M. WarIr.. Wans.1 Scretai'7.

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