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An Act to raise a Revenue for the payment of the civil list and contingent charges of Government for the year one thousand eight hundred and six. 1805 11 (1805)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsnc0002 and id is 1 raw text is: q   NA0166   tr faid left mes*iond county. Ikall pay to the commiffioners from  180s
id diaria          fch eoipenfation as thall be reafonable.
Xx. A      '4it lurder ensated That when any perfon, copartnerihip or body
politic, (halt e indebted to the faid corporation, on any Jingle or penal bill, bond
or -nte, duly secuted or endorfed, or by teafon ofthe acceptance of any bill Mannerf
.0r order, or  any other-ways or means vihatfoever, and thall fail to make pay- coveringdeb
ment, the Prefdent,-Dir48orw or Cafhier of the faid Bank, or any of its bran-
whos, 4hall caui-ademand of paywent to be made in writing, and ferred on the
.party,- or-leftathis or their place of abode; and if the money fo due thall not be
lpaid-within tenfays thereafter, the faid Prefident, Direaors and Cathier, or any
)0f.them, :moay, ) motion, in any of the tourts of this State, enter or caufe to be
enterd -up judment againft fuch delinquet debtor and his or their fecurities in
the fame manar, and under -the fime rqles, tegulations and retifaions as the
Treafurer-isdW authorifed to enter up judgments in behalf of the State; which
judgment thal)e Anal and conclufive, and from which there fhall be no appeal;
any-law, ufager cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding.
XXI. Ande itfirther enacted, Thatif any perfon thall, by printing, writinig,
-or engraving, f by any other ways or meatis whatfoever, counterfeit, or attempt;
to cotaterfeitiy of the bills, notes.or-checks, emitte by the Prefident and Di- eon Te
reaors  of the id Bank, -or any part, word, letterlname, emblejn or dcvice of
uwich bills, nteor checks; orlhallmake orconftru, orcaufe to be made or con-
.ArAreted, or b'e in tis or-their poffeffion, any dieP6  or plate, or other inflru-
anew, for 'unting or counterfeiting of fuch bills, notes or-checks, or any part,
,word, letter, %blem or device thercof, except by authority of law, or in cafe
-,iere fuch mrbe feized in order to biing fufpected perfons to juftice; or tball
alter or deface iv of the faid bills, notes or checks, in order to change the value
Ahereof, fuch fon or perfons to ofinding, -being thereof lawfully convicted,
by confellion oerdict, or by flanding muteon arraignment or trial, tball, fqt the
firaoffence, Rd in the pillory two hours, and have hisor their right earnailed to
the pillory anditoff, and receive onhis ortheirbare back. thirty-ninie latfies well
laid on. and beinded with a hot iron on the right cheek with the letter C, and on
Ihe kf check  the letters AN (which lefiers fhall beat leaft one inch in length and
three quartere an inch in breadth) and be imprifonedat the difcretion of the-court.
before whom ft offender or offenders thall be tried,inot exceeding two-years.
XXII. -Ant itfurtker enaded, That if any peron or-perfons fhall pafs, or at.
-tempt to pars Fcountetfeit likeners of the faid bills, notes or cheeks, knowing  Penalty **k
the thme to- benterfei, and being thereof lawfully convicted, he or they 10 tiC pssing can.
:fendingilhall, the firfi- offence, 4tayd in the pillory one hour, have one ear on rOtew.
ioff,-ada receivirty nine lathes onhis ortheir bare back well laid on,-and beim-
-prinedattheretidn of the court before (whom fach offeiiler fhall be tried,
oeot exceedingve months.
XX Ill. Ae itfsrtherenalfed, That if any-perfon orperfons thall be lawfully
4onvied aifed-time of any of the offences herein before fpecified and et Penalty rok
forth, hear ifo conviaed, thall:fulfer-death without benefit of clergy.   aecon of.
XXIV. v4-e itfifither enaded, That in cai the fubfetipt ion hereby ?pened
for the differcounties and citizens of the State, -fhallnot be filled-during the lfsubse.r.
!timehereby Fribed, 1o that the Bank cannot begin its operation, the fubfcri t  ion not ar
-lhall be keptnat-Raleigh until itis filled, ortntil the next General Affermbly. t a.rr  be s4.1
XXV. As it [fther enaled, That the Direlors of fuch Bank (hall fend to ket open.
ene    efo   on inrachrountv, of their-own chufing, a fample of every kind Alde F
of notes by tliffued: Each offfchfampk fo fent, (hall have a ftamp on the Me-tea to be
.Ja~ thwoftroo of-imein  i  -pa                      ppointed iiq
-face thereoftroof of-ius-being a fpecimen, - and to prevent their being LTd a poited
as lioncy; ale perfons in whofe hands litch farnples fhall be lodged, may,
,by the faueianeevery -note prefented.for infpec:ic..
An Act torateveie for the payment of the civil list and conti gent charges of
rnent far th'e ar one bhouiand eight hundred and six.
BE it esny Me General Aflembly of the State of  Nort-Caroina,  and
it is &ereby d by tbeawority of the fiame, That for the year one thoufand
eight-bundrd fix, a tax of eight-pence on every hundred acres of land  con Iiets
-within this fond a caxof two lhillings on every hundred 'pounds value of P
tow%% lotvweir-iprovements, and a - tx 6f two (hillings on every poll,
dhaltzbe4dob    ad and-accountedafor, in the fame manner as  uch txo
Avehereen Jevied, collecd and accounted for.

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