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An Act making further and more effectual provision for establishing and organizing the Militia of this Territory. 1803 19 (1803.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsms0005 and id is 1 raw text is: the Attsrney Oeniral to be ippointed for d6e Coities of Adams, JdTeroo,
Wilkinfon and Clatiborne, to efiablith his ufuki refidence it the place where
the General AfTembly     holds its feilions, and (hall at the requeft of the
Teiiorisl Trealfuer, and -of the. County Treadurer, for (aid Couties,
give his opinion in writing upon all cafes doncerning the public intcteft, AW,,,e, r*1013: ID
and thall at the defire ot the faid Tredfurers infbuue and pjafecute to *** i**
efelt before the propier Courts fuits againit all perlons indebted to the
Territory or to the. (aid Counties.
* SEc. 5. And be it further enalfed, That the falary of the Attorney Gen.
eral in and for the Counties of Wilkinlon, Adams, Jtfferlon and Claiborne, Ihall Tci rair.
be feven hundred dollars per annum, and the falary of the Attorney. General
in  and for the County of Walhington ihall be two        hundred and fifty
dollars per annum to be paid annually out of the Territorial Treatury.
- SEC. 6. And be it further enaed, That on all indiaments for felonies re,     r, armu 1.
whereon a convi&ion Ihall be had, the fee of the Attorney General tball be 1   *mnf*.
ten dollars, and in all inferior prolecutions upon which Judgment thall be
given againft the defendant, the fum of five dollars, to be colle&ed in the
nanner heretofore prefcribed by law and paid by the proper Officer re-
ceiving the fame into the Territorial Treafury as a part of the public
SEC. 7. Iad he it firthr enaaed, That all *Aas and      parts of Ads
Jcrctoforc maede, coming within the purview and meaning ot this Ad, be and Reainl <rde.
fame are hereby repealed.
* Sac. 8. And be I further ciacted, That this At     fhall commence and
be in force from and after the palfing thereof.
Speaker of the House of Representaives, pro tempore.
President of the Legislative Council.

Aipproved November, 19. 1803.

Governor of the Miississpi 7erritor%.

An ACT making fairther and aicre eyfeaual p;-oviFon for eliabl%'ing and orgau-
izing the Milhtia of lids Territo y.
SEC I. IE   it enaed by the Legislative Council and House of Repi esenta-
ltives of the AIississippi 7rritory in General Assembly convened, and
it is hereoy enaed by the authority ofthe same, That the Commander in Chicf
be, and he is hereby authorifed, whcnevcr he may deep  it expedient to or.
ginize in each Battalion of the feveral Regiments, one or more Volunteer Ac Oear aLn
Companies under the title of Light Infantry or Rifle men as flull be be mft  au £li.
convenient, each company alorefaid to confilt of a Captain, Lieutenant,
Enfign, four Sergeants, four Corporals, two Mulicians and fifty Privates, and
fuch Volunteer Companies thall perform  the fame routine of duty, and be
fubjet to the fame rules and regulations and the fame orders from the Corn.
manding Officers of the Battalion and-Regiments to which they hill be
annexed as the other Companies of Militia within the fame; and each and
.every Officer or Officers appointed by virtue of this feaion, who (hall
fail to enhlift his quota of men within fc... months afte-r receiving his Curm-
nilffion (hall be liable to be difcontinued, and the quta of each Officer
is declared to, be as follows, to wit, the Captain's quota is twenty-two Pri-
vates, two Sergeants and two Corpor4ls, the Lieut 'nants quota, fixteen Pri-
vates, one Sergeant and one Corporal, and the Enlign's quira, twelve Pri-
vates one Serjeant and one Corporal.

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