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An Act supplementary to the Acts of the General Assembly providing for the raising of a Revenue. 1803 6 (1803.1)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsms0004 and id is 1 raw text is: 6.
A, A6T fsppleminryt tk ARs of tie Geor1  Vy>#frseding fwt'e
raItg I a Revenue, pa§ed the 3olh of     sery              J18oz,.4aud the .znd g
.Jigrch 1303.
SEC. i.     E it enaced by the Lefislative Council and House. of Reprsnets.
. tivs of.'   Hississippi Territory in General Assembly convried, aNd
h is iehy enacted by' Ihe aut/rity of the same, That ananntial Tax in the man./
ner herein after mentioned, thall be railed and paid into the public Treafury
at this Territory, for the ufe and fervice thereof :-That is to fay. Ift. All
rL nJs to which the Indian title has been extinguilhed, and held by deed,
grans, rights of dower or courtefy ; or by claims confirmed by the articles
of agreement and ceflion between the United States and the State of Geor.
gia, or by the Aa of Congreil regulating the grants of Land South of
thL State of Tenneffee ;-on each hundred acres, one hundred cents.
2. On each Slave under the age of fifty years, fifty cents.
T n soi.        3. On each unimproved Lot within any City, Town or Village (fo far as the
flets and tquares thereof are or [hall be marked and laid off,) two dollarl.
4- On Dwelling Houles, built, or to be built, on lots within any fuch
City, Town or Village, for every (iiuare of one hundred fupeificial feet,
oero Loures.  ierving for the bafis or ground flaor of fuch Houfes as deferibed by the
exifting laws, firty cents.
5. On each and every fquare of the upper flories of any fuch Houles,
twenty1-five cent t.
id table. 6. On Billiard Tables let up for the purpofe of gaming and aninfenent,
each one hund!red dollus.
Pf~ar~ onrriae.  7. On Pleafuiable Carriages, for each %hcee on which they are fupported,
two dllars.
Rq hor.        S. On HorI V: kept cp-efsly as Riding Horfes, or for drawing Picafirable
Carriages, each oc dollar.
s:ud hofns.     9. On Stalilons kept for the ue of Mares, each the price <kmanded for
one Mare during the fealon.
Ruchofrr,.      1o. On Hlorles kept up and trained for the purpore of Racing, each eight
Stokwofirote.  it. On Stocks of Horrcs, Mires and Mulks of every dcription above
two years o!d, each head, twelve and an half cent .
cutic.          22. On Stocks of neat Horned Cattle, each htad two cents.
!,C5 atOmtjfn.  13. O  Sales at Auation, at the rate o! one per centum on the amount
of Sales.
14. On Stores or Warehoufes kept open for the Sales of Merchandize,
waehou''*  by Mcrchants, or Companies, who are Importers or Agents of the Impor-
ters of their ovn Wares from beyond the Territory, each twenty-five dollars.
i3. On Shops kept open for the retail of Merchandize purchafed by
Shopkeepers within the Territory, each ten dollars; Provided, that if any
Merchant or Company Importing their own Wares, haill keep open more
than one Store, all fuelh Stores, the firft or principal one only excepted,
ftill be confidered as Retail Shops, and be taxed accordingly.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Lots of any Town or Vil-
lage which bail have been recognized as fuch by any Act of the Legif-.
.pides of1or lot lature, or where any Public Building or Public Office is erected or eftablifh-
cd, thall be confidered as lubject to pay taxes under the prQvifions of this
Act; but that no other collection of Houfes brought together fimply for
the benefit of fociety, (hall be confidered as a Town or Village, within the
,ol ,5,td. 4  meaning of this A&, and' no unimproved Lot, not being within an incor-
porated Town (hall be fublje& to pay any tax until the fame (hall have
been laid out and fold off by the proprietor of the Lands upon which
any fuch Town is or [hall be laid out.
Sac. 3. 4ad be itfaother enaded, That no Lands upon which any Church,

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