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An Act to incorporate the town of Brunswick. 1845-1847 158 (1846)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmo0087 and id is 1 raw text is: CORPORATIONS.

AN   ACT to incorporate the town of Brunswick.
4 1. Boundaries described.                    scribe their duties, bond to be given;
2. Corporate powers, in wha' vested.        how.
3. Mayor, how chosen; tenure of office; quali. § 1S. Mayor, a conservator of the pence, his
fications.                              powers and duties.
4. City divided into four wards; may make  19. n case of vacancy; proceedings.
others.                              20 General powers otthe mayor.
5. Councilmen. qualification and tenure  21. In case of vacancy; who to act ao mayor.
G. City council, how constituted; president  22. Constable, how chosen; ex-olfcio collec-
pro-tempore.                            t; tenure or otice, powers and duties.
7. Council to appoint a clerk; his dutic.  23. Assessor, how chosen; chiies.
8. Meetings of council, by whom regulated.  21. Vacancies in certain cases; how filled.
9. Style of the laws; to be digested.    25. General election; when held.
10. Majorhy, a quorum; powers.           2t1, Council to appoint judge,; their dtitec.
11. Taxes levied by whom; to what extent.  27, Ollicets to be swum.
12. General powers of council 2. Jurors and witnesses, who may be.
13. Council may punish certain oflences; to  2). flight of redemption in certain cases.
what extent.                         30. If addition is made to city; proceedings.
14. Overseer, his duties.                31.This act, a public act,
15. Powers of council respecting side walks,  32. Certain pows given to trustees,
&c.33. Thi                                    et to ake effect, how and when;
16. Council may regulate collection of taxes,  proceedings.
&c.                                  34. After acceptance of charter proceedings.
17. Council to nppoint certain officers, pre-  35 Ceitain reservations by legislature.
Be it enacted by thie General Assenibly qf tlhe State of Mlivsouri, as follows:
§I All that distr ict of country~ within the following, litnits, to wvit: begin-
8ing at the nortwest corner of the northwest quarter of section number elev-
en, in towvnship numbier fifty three, north or 9 base litne, pnd range number
twenty, west of' the fifth ;rinci lii meridiat, in the county of Cariton and
State of Missouri, thence south to tne southwest corner osai nc rthwestquar.
ter of section numher2eleven, thence east to the southeaw corner of the said cllca.
ter sect ion, thence northI, to the no rtheiast cotrner of the said quarter section,
thence west to the place of beginnint, and includin the whole of the said north-
,west quarter of said section n umbhetr eleven, shall he, awl is here incorpora
led, erected, and estaiblishe-d as a city, l  tilie name of thie City of  frunswick
and thle inhabitants thereof, shall be, anid are hereby constituted a  ody p 1 tic
and corporate, hy the name and style of the 'City    of irunsdick. and by th t
namie, slia I be known inl Iriv, have p~erpetual succession, sue and  ) sted, iru-
plIead aind be implearied, defend aind he defended, in all couirts of law and equity ,
having copetetit jurisdiction, and         8 in all actions and matters whatsoever, ma
grant, lease, putrchase, receive and  hold property, real, personal and mnixed
within said cit, andl no other, (a bur3ing grdiin excepted) andi may do all
other acts as natural persons; may   have a common seal, and may brak     e an
alter the same at pleasure.
§ 2.   Thle corporate powers and        3 duties of said city, shall be vested in a
mayor and co  tncilmen, andi such other of3icers as are hereinafter named.
e 3.  The mayor ofthe city, shall be chosen by t  e qualified electors of said
city, and hol  t   t     e office for the term  of two  eears, an c until his successor is
elected and qunlified,and shall be at the time of' his election, at least, twent.five
years of age, and a citizen of the U nited States, and shaull have resided within
the city, for at least, two years preceding hi election, and shall possess a free-
hold( estate in saidi city.
§        4. The city shall be divided into four wards, in sch a manner the t the
eards shall contain as near as practicale, atn equal number of qualified voters,
and each ward shall he entitled to elect one councilman. The city council may
by ordinace, abter the wards fromv lime to timoe, and whenever they sae im-ca


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