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An Act to regulate inns and taverns. 1844-1845 583 (1844)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmo0065 and id is 1 raw text is: INNS AND TAVERNS.


CH{AP. 83.
SEc. 5. This act shall not extend to any case where the Cot txe
Not to extend
grantor does not covenant a title in fee simple to the lands or to certain ca-
real estate sold.                                                       ses.
SEC. 6. This act shall extend to cases where the grantor Shall extend
to cases where
has executed bond for title to the lands or real estate sold, in tecgrantorex-
the same manner as though such grantor had executed a deed ecuted bond
for title, &c.
for the same.
This act shall take effect, and be in force, from and after New act.
its passage.
Approved March 27, 1845.
AN ACT to regulate inns and taverns.
Sm. 1. Wine or spirituous liquors not)SEc. 14. What facts shall be recited in
to be sold without a tavern )       the licensissued by theclerk;
license.                            how authenticated.
2. No person to keep tavern with-   15. If license expire in vacation,
out such licenser &c.               may be extended by the clerk
3. Penalty for violation of the two     till the next term ot the court.
preceding sections; how sued    16. How to proceed to extend li
for.                                cense under the preceding see-
4. License to inn-keepers granted,)     tion.
&c., by the several county)    17. Fees of the clerk for issuinz
courts.                             license and extension of li-
5. Application for license to be in      cense, to be paid by the appli-
writing; what facts to be sta-      cant.
ted.                           18 Effect and extent of license
6. Duty of each justice of the court    granted under this act.
on application for license.    19. In-keepers having a tavern
7. Tax on licenses to be levied and     license, to keep god enter-
collected to the use of the)        tainment, bedding, &c.
state.                         20. Penalty for PtinD to keep arti-
-8. The sums to be paid, to be as-       ces mentioned in the prece-
certained and fixed by the          ding section ; how recovered.
court.                         21. Penalty for failing to keep ai
9. Not to be granted to keep an          inn or tavern according to the
inn, unless applicant is pre-       true intent and meaning of
pared to accommodate quests.        this act.
10. Facts to be contained in the    22. Penalty for harboring, &c., ap-
order granting a license; copy       rentice, minor, &c., or to sell
to be illvee toapiatiquor, &c., to such servant,
tobedlivered to applicant.
11. Clerk to issue license according)    apprentice, &c.
to order, on production of the  23 Penalty to harbor, &c., non-
collector's receipt, and bond       commissioned officer or soldier
filed by applicant.                 of the United States army, or
12. Bond, how taken ; condition of       to sell spirituous liquors, &c.,
the bond.                           without written permission.
13. If license be for keeping an inn  24. Violating two preceding sec-
and tavern, what further con-       tions, deem&  guilty of keep-
dition shall be in the bond.        ing a disorderly house.

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