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An Act to regulate groceries and dram-shops. 1844-1845 541 (1844)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmo0064 and id is 1 raw text is: GROCERIES AND DRAM SHOPS.


CHAP. 72.
SEc. 10. Bets and wagers on  any election authorised by the           tig
Betting onl
constitution and laws of this state, are gaming, within the elections,
meaning of this act.                        .gammg.
SEc. 11. Every stakeholder who shall knowingly receive Stakeholder
liable to the
any money or property, staked upon any betting declared party who
gaining by the provisions of this act, shall be liable to the Placed money
party who placed such money or property in his hands, both it his hands.
before and after the termination of such bet; and the delivery
of the money or property to the winner, shall be no defence Delivery to
wvinner no de-
to any action brought by the losing party for the recovery' rn                 d
thereof: Provided, That no stakeholder shall be liable after-
wards, unless a demnnd has been made of such stakeholder
of the money or property in his possession, previous to the
expiration of the time agreed upon by the parties for the New section.
determination of the bet or wager.
Sec. 12. Any action for money or property, brought under Action to he
this act, shall be commenced within three months from the o'leed
time the right of action accrued, and not afterwards.                 months.
Approved March 19, 1845.
AN AcT to regulate groceries and dram-shops.
Si~c. 1. Liquors not to be sold without Sec. 11. Applicant for license as grocer
license.                           or dran-shop keeper shall de-
2. A grocer defined.                   liver a statement to court or
3. Not to sell intoxicating liquors     clerk, verified by allidavit, of
in less quantities than a quart.    amount of stock, &c. Adva-
4. A dram-shop keeper defined.          lorem tax.
5. No grocer or dram-shop keeper   12. Clerk to deliver statement of
to keep) a grocery or dtran-       lices to the collector, and
shop at more than one place         Charge him therewith.
at the same time, &c.          13. Duty of collector.
6. A grocery and drai-shop may    14. No license to issue until collect-
be kept by same person, when.        's rceipt is produced.
7. Not to sell liquor to slaves with-  l5. Clerk may grant liceises in va-
out written permission from        cation. To cnotinue till next
master, &c.                        term, &c.
8. Debts for liquor sold on credit,  16. Oi rencwal of such license, no
not recoverable.                   aiditional ad valorem shall be
9. Applications for license to be
mide in writing to county    17. clerto report to couity court
court. Statement, &c. Cot.t        the  mber of licenses grant-
to grant license. Proviso.         ed by him in vacatioi.
10. Tax on licenses to keep groce-  18. No slave permitted to sell in-
ries and dram-shops, to be de-     toxicating liquors.
termined by the couity court.  19. Penalty for violating this act.

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