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Of offences affecting the lives and persons of individuals. 1844-1845 343 (1844)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmo0056 and id is 1 raw text is: CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS.

and   sentenced     to imprisonment in        the  penitentiary, shall CHAP. 47.-
thereafter be incompetent to be a juror in any cause, and
shall be for ever disqualified from voting at any election, or
holding any office of honor, profit or trust, within this state.
(f offences affecting the lives an(d persons of itndividnials.
SEc. 1. Murder in the first degree.  (SEc. 19. Master, owner, or engineer of
2. Murder in the second degree.           steamboat, running sub boat
3. Punishment for murder in the          when engine or machinery is
first and second degrees.            out or repair punishment.
4. Justifiable homicide.            20. If any person is killed by run-
fi. Excusable homicide.                  mug Stch engine, &c., (lCiled
-6. Verdict of not guilty directed,       manslaughter in the third di-
in case of justihable and excu-      gree.
sable homicide.                 21. Involuntary  killing,  deemed
7. Killing, without design to efflct     manslaughter in the fourth di-
death, &c., manslaughter ing
the first degree.               22. Killin, which would at com-
fA Assisting another in self-inur-       ioon law be manslaughter, and
ler, manslaughter in the first             cusale or justifiale,
degree.                              deemed manslaughter in fourth
9. Killing of unborn quick child,        d   r,,.
manslaughter in the first do-   23. Punishment for manslaughter in
gree.                                the first and aecond degree.
10. Administering meod icine, or us.-  2-1. Punishment of mnslaughter in
ing instrument to estroy qick       the third degree.
child, manslaughter in the so-  25. Punishment of manslaughter in
cond degree.               (         te Fourth degree.
11. Killing in the heat of passion,  26. Rape ; punishmeit for.
without a design to   effect    27. Carnaly knowing a woman ovcr
death, manslaughter in the          te years, U.
second deg;ree.                 28. Cuupeiumg a woman to marry,
12. Killing any person unncessa-
rily while resisting attempt    29. Taking a woman with intent to
to commnuit felony, &c., uan-
slaughter in the second ifs-         mb uifent.
gree.                           30. Taking females under eighteen
13. Killing in heat of passion, with-     f     parent, &c.    11unish-
out design, &v., in what case        ient.
manslaughter in the third de-   31. Rapebynegroorm-alatto. Pull-
gree.                                ishiosent.
14. Killing, whilst person is com-   32. White peron aiding such of-
ijtting trespass, &c., man-        f    .   unishment.
slaughter in the third degree,  33. Maylicm, &c. ; punishment for.
15. Owner of mischievous anim i,     31. Xsailt with deadly weapon, On
which kills a person whilst           rpov, and of inaice afise-
runniing at large, deemed guil-        light, &c. Punishment.
ty of mnanslaughter in third        Admiistering poison wit in-
degree.tent to kill, where such poison
16. Personis taken, &c                                 Punisormient.
declared gouilty of mnanllaugh-  36. i'ilg poison  With food,
ter in third degree, when.           drink, &c.
17. If captain, engineer, &c., of    37. Assault, with intent to commit
steamboat, through ignorance         a felon',.
or neglect, create steni to    38. Persons by whose aot, procure-
burst the boiler, and any per-       ineit, ornegligencegreat hod-
soi is killed, deemed guilly of    ily harm is (tone ; how pull-
manslaughter in third degree.        ishe.
18. Engineer running engine when     39. meficine administered, or in-
not in good repair; punish-          struments used   to  procure
Mtent for,                           abortion.

3 43

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