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A Supplement to an act entitled an act respecting the Punishment of Slaves. 1849 [114] (1849)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0190 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF MARYLAND.

cRAP. C21.                   CHAPTER 121.
.Passed Jan.29, -1 ,SWIplennlt to an act entitled, an act res)ecting tie
s5o.                    Punishment of Slaves.
Slaveis may be  SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Gtneral Assemtbly
sentenced to of Maryland, That in all cases from  amd after the
passage of tis net, where any slave or slaves shall be
ccOlvj1ted of any crin ot offence, under any of the laws
of this State, the punishment of which, when bv the
laws of this State, the party so convicted, shall be a
slave or slaves, shall be  confnenient in the peni-
tentiary, and  such  slave or slaves shall he sen-
Wtnced by the court to confinement in Ihe peniten-
tiary, it shall he the duly of the said court to value the
said slave or slaves, and such valuation shall be cerli-
flied by Ihem to the levy court or commissioners of the
tax of tile county or city, or of Howard District, as ihe
case may be, where such slave or slaves, may or shall
be tried, who shall theretpon'i at their next levy laying
lerni, levy and assess upon the assessable property of
said county, city or district,the a'uount ofsaid valuation,
payable to the order of the master, mi.,tress or owner of,
said slave or slaves.
Jio owners  SFc. 2. And be it euacted, That for the purpose of
aie to he rec-re-imbursing th  said county, city or district, for the
imUj'rsedi  value of stlh slave or slaves so paid for by them, it shall
be the duly of the keeper or warden of the penitentiary,
at ile expiration oft lie time of service of such slave or
slaves in the said penitentiary, for which such slave or
slaves shall have been sentenced, to sell at public sale
to the highest bidder for cash, for transportation beyond
the limits of this State, such slave or slaves, and the
MLtt proceeds of said sale, after deducting live per cent
commission, for his services, and the expenses of publica-
tion of notice of sale, shall be accounted for and paid
over by said keeper or warden, to tile levy court or
cotinissioners of the county, city or district, from which
said slave or slaves shall have been sentenced, and the
official hoidof said keeper or warden, shall he liable
for all sints of, money leceived under the provisions of
this Mut, to the levy cotirt, or cotmuissiomiers of tile coun-
tV, City or district, ft'om  which stch slave or slaves s hall
h;ave been sentenced as aforesaid.
Incoisistelt  Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That all als or parts (if
a't repealed. acts incontsistetit with this4 act, le and the salle are here-
by relpealed.

1 S49.

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