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A Supplement to an act, entitled, an act relating to the People of Colour in this State. 1832 [162] (1832)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0145 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF MARYLAND.

CHtAP. 145.   Sec. 3. .ind he it enacted, That the said managers
Accountabilty.  shall be.held accountable to the said county commissioners
for the respective sums of money so put in their hands,
for the faithfiul expcnditurc thereof in the erection of said
bridge, and a majority of them in all cases shall be suffi-
cient to form a bo-ard.
CHAPTER      144.
rIas, Fel.Is,1s33 Am) act to divorce JMlary Eli:abeth Sttciart, of the City oj
Baltim ore, from her husband, William   S. Sterart, a
mcnsa ct thoro.
Diroree.       Section 1. Be il emdei:l by the (enerad ./issembly of
.laryland, That Mary Elizabeth Stewart, of the city of
Baltimore) be and she is hereby declared to be divorced
from her husband William S. Stewart, a mensa e thoro.
Llabilityannulled.  See. 2. .And be it enacted, That the said William S.
Stewart shall not he liable for any debt hereafter to be con-
tracte,1 by said Elizabeth, nor be entitled to any property
which she may hereafter acquire; and said Elizabeth shall
be capable in law and equity, to every eflIect, intent, and
purpose, to take, hol, sell, and dispose of, any property,
and make and be bound by any contracts or engagements,
as if she were a .ftme sole, ai(I had never been married;
CQM@SIC.    Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall an-
thorize said Elizabeth to contract marriage during the life
of said Williamu.
CHIA PTER~ 1-15.
I'anedMur.0, 1133 A SItpplCIIlClt to  il Ct, enlitled, MIt ftcl JTIchlii-g o the
People of Colour in this Mtate, passed at 1)ecmber ses-
sion, eighteea hidudred and thirby-ote: chapiter two hud'ed
and Cighty one.
oil ,,,,tilo: ...... r  Section 1. Be it en'cte(l by the Gcneral 4ssembly of
rfusal to k.Lmoe. Aaryland, That wlenever the board of managers, ap-
p )inted under the act In which this is a supplement, shall
inform the sheri.q of any county, of the refisal to remove
An,% pivvdi, any person or persons therein Mentioned, and shall provide
suflmuient to idn a u
Ca, ,,ul  a suin suf~icienlt to defray Ilhe reolval of' -aid liei'soni or


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