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An Act to authorise Addison Belt of Montgomery county, to import certain slaves into this state. 1822 129 (1822)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0102 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF MARYLAND.                           129
and directed, before he shall take any subscription for the stock to be Dec.Ses.1822
cotistituted under the provisions of the original law to which this is
,a supplhnent to accept such premium its may be ofliered for the sante.
2. dnd be it enarted, That the creditors of the Maryland Peni- Conditions.
tentiary be permitted to subscribe for said stock to the amount of
their respective claims oi said ilstitttiol.
3. li.nd be it  atred, That such p:cts of the originalact as is rc-
ptgnant hereto be anld the saine is hereby repealed.

CII At11  Eit 208.
An act to divorce ,Tames Norriv, sellr. and S'aral his v/f., of Saint Passed
Sear's 1 teoly.                     8, 1823.
Section 1. Ill, it enactrel,! the Genral Assemtbl of lar!/and, That Divorce.
th, said .b i1mcs Norris, seit. he, and ht is hcrehy divotced frram bed
and board ulid mutual cohabitation with his wife S;.rah Norris.
2. lndhc it enacted, Thtt the said Sarah Shall not, by Virtue of her Clainisai
marriage with the said .ames, be authoriscd to have or claim any led.
right or interest in the estate, real, personal or mixed of the said
James, to be by him acqire(d after the lassage of this act.

C: It A I:l E209.
ni ac to conthiue il lfrce the acts &J asscinbly ,wich would expire
with the present ses. .on.
Be it rnactel b!1 the Gemcral .i/sl.emnbl/ of Maryland, That all
such acts, and parts of such acts of asemhily, as would expire with
the present session of assembly, lie and the same aT hereby con-
tiued until the twentieth dlay of Noveniher next, and to the end of
the next session of assembly, which shall happen thereafter.


22, 1823.
Laws extend-

ln act to atthorise A4fison liel of ,lontgotmcry county, to import  Passed Feb.
Certain SlaVes Ilto this.istat.              -4, 1823.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Asscnmb1 of ilarymknd, That Inport slaves
Addison Ik-It of Montgomcry count', be and lie is herchv authoriscd(,
at ll time after tile passage of this 'act, to rentove arid bring into
this state, friom the state of Virginia, the followitg slaves, obtaited
in rig ht of his wife, to wit: Peter, Nan, Charlotte, Lydia, Nany,
fosse, ChatI es, Isac, liaphtt.v, Zac, Ceaser, Abba and  ii ,on aid
that the rem ival of' thI said u'n Ioes to this state, shall not in any
naaner tndtl thel to their fl'Cdoi;  )'rvilh d, that til said ntie1Cs  Proviso.
when removed agrce:ihuly to the it'o isiol , of this act, shail hie I'gii-
terecd amiong the records of IMlntgitcry County court, within three
nmoutii aftcr thcir arrival it this state.
2. ..ndbe it cnacted, That t.tliing in this act contaited, shall be Limitation.
construcd t aut horise a dispositiu, of' said slaves, cxccjt il cat s of
disiositio, by last will and tstamretit, and disl:,ositi(ns by law Er
bona liac demts, or const(elunt upon intestacy, in less thani thrce yoars
after the passage of this act.

CIIAIv'tI it 211.
An act to alter the thne f eleCtCi tile mayor), recorder, ahlermen and
eo(nnmmn cou.ncil off the city oj' daliJacobsr an,! .r other 1I,t.
Section 1. ie it enacted by the 6encrad xe.,sei 01 1J  ,/'td.  hat
the election of the mayor, recorder, alucruien atid cnition tounci
of the city of' Annapolis, shall take place on the ftrst i.ondai3 Ili
April instead of the first Monday in October, as is now prescriud

Passed Feb.
Ca, 12e.

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