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An Act for the relief of Colonel Roger Jones, Gracey Ann Blackwell and Catharine Monmouth. 1821 132 (1821)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0076 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF MARYLAND.

Dec.Srs. 1821. and form of government directs in suich case, this -ct and the al-
Sterations herein contained shall constitute and le considered as a
part of the said constitution and form of government, to all intents
and purposes, any thing therein containcd to the contrary notwith-
CiiAPTI,:I 189.
Passed Feb 21, .tln aetfor the relief of Colonel leo.,er 1 Jns, Gracey Ann Blackmell
Ib2'.                      and C,'ai/hntrine ilL1an1oiet h.
AlaV ret tin ser-  Src. 1. Bui I N':,ACi'rni) By the Geural AIssembl of Mlarlk1nd,
Vanti.      That from and after the passage of this act, it shall and may he
lawful for Roger Jones, a colonel in the armv of the United States,
to retain in his se:rvice,Graccy Ann Black,.vell and Catharine Mon-
mIonth, free persols of color, (natives of the t.tate of Virginia,)
so long aw tlie said Roger Jtones shall remain in the military service
of the United States, any law to the c,):itvarv notwithstanding.
'I'hy-v mav re.  2. AsD ilt: I1 I.tU )  r I, 'h :t from ai'i a ,  the passage of
m.... i,, his  this act, it shall and nay be lawful for (;racev Ann Blackwell and
emlp]'Y    C Lthliqe M01111ht to reinain in til servic't, of Roger Jones so
loil 'I's thL  said Roier Jones ,li l continue in the mIilitary service
of the Unit'(d States, an V lav to the contraryv nitwithstandi'ng.
R. it wa from  3.r..,' ) iT m' I.NA CiA, 'I iat kon,;.r jones (, raccy Ann llack-
penal.ie.  well and Cntl,1riie A\l,,namoth, ih and tley al'T beh  relitsed
frool any and ail pc    1.:11ti 1 thtlWv or ither'f them iiMay have in-
cnL'reCJ iin consequence of an act entitled, Ani act to plwohibit -tile
einivration of' lree negroes into tiiis stite, passed November ses-
sion eighteen hundred antt Six, chapter fifty-six.
PavIed FA. 21,                      CIAirllt 190.
a82,21          .  act a1Uthorisin, ft appoitment of' an A.'ent.
Ma, :sPpoint  Sec. 1. BEn mr ITR c'rNC   By the General Assenily of Maryland,
agents.     That the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the
councii, le and he is hcreby amthorised to appoint one or mllorc
agents for the state, whose duty it shall be to attend to and prose-
cute to completion, all balances or debts now tiue to the state; and
said agent or agents, shall be and are hereby vested with all the
powers and autthrities grianted to the agent byw an act entitled, An
act to appoint an agent for the year one thousand eight hundred
and seventeen, and shall govern and regulate his or their proceed-
ings by said act, unless where itvi provisions arc herein contravened
or he or theyv shall otherwise be herein directed.
Crelit on sales  2. AN BE' IT liNACTI-r)., 'Ilat in cases where sales of real
of real propel- property shall be made, a credit of three years may be allowed
ty.         upon interest.
Ih. arwtions-  3. ANu i-, It FNACT)i, That the said agent or agents shall, as
advancr,    occasion may require, alplv to tile govc rnor and council, who are
hereby authorised to give such directions and instructions as they
nmay find necessary; and if in the opinion of the governor anti
council the interest of the state would be promoted, they are fur-
ther authoiriscd to make an advance to said agent or agents of1 a
sun not exceeding five hundred doilars, upon receiving satisfactory
security for re-payment of the same.
Commistion  4. AND ill.. IT  A CTr .), Ihat the agent or agents appointed
for co'lection. undert his act, shall be uilowed for ail p'.nillelnts in money made to

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