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Resolution passed Feb. 13, relative to runaway negroes. 1817 254 (1817)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0055 and id is 1 raw text is: 254                                  RESOLUTIONS.
Dee Sesir.                                     No. IS8.
S            RYSSOLV U.11, That all interest that accrued sirce December the first, eighteeil
Passed Feb. 6; hundred and eight, on the claim of the state against the ecaato or John Eccleston,
-of James one of tile t.ecurities of William lEnnalls, late of Doreltster county, deceased, for
Eccleston.    Indian lands purchased August twentieth, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, be
and the same is hereby released; Providel, and it is hereby expressly und'erstol,
that the said release shall have no effect to discharge or release the estate of the
said William Ennalls, the principal, or Joseph Ennalls, I-he other security.
Passed Feb 12                                 No. 39.
-ofthe clerks   Rr.soLv r, 'liat the treasurer of the western shore pay to louis Gassaway
thief clerk of the house tif delegates, to Richard larwood chief clerk of tile senate,
to John Stevensjunior, assistant ccrk to the house of delegates, and John N.
Watkins assistant clerk to the senate, the sum o' one hundved dollars each, as an
additional compensation for their extraordinary services during the present sessi-
Passed Feb.12                                 No. 40.
Relative tote  VElAs, it is in the contemplation of the government of the United States to
eave o the establlsh a naval depot at some place hst fitted to answer the purposes of iroviditig
l or the common defence and promoting the general welfare: And whereas the
harbour of Annapolis is in all respects well adapted to answer those impoitaut
views, by reason of it,; central position, and other weighty considerations, if it
should be selected for that purpose, provided the navigation'into the Severn river
should bc facilitated by the removal ot a small and inconisiderable obstruction near
the mouth of said river; Therefore,
l1rso.vEn, That the treasurer of the western shore, under the direction of the
governor andi council, pay to Jtohn Randall, I lenry Maynadier, .Jeremniah IHughes,
iNicholas Brewer and Francis llolhngswoith, ithe stiln of twenty-five thousand
dollars cutrent money, out of any unappropriated money ill the treasury, to he ap.
plied to cutting a channel through all obstruction or bar at or near the mouth of
Severn river, so as to render the ingress into said harbour of vessels of the largest
class pel fertly free from all difficulties; Prvideadowerer, that before the said sum
of twenty-five thousand dollars, or any part thereof, shall he paid to the said John
Jlandall, Henry Mlaynadier, Jeremiah lIighes, Nicholas Brewer and Francis
I iollingsworth, om either of them, they shall give their hond to the state of Mary-
)and, in the penalty of fifty thousand dollars current money, with securities to be
approved by the governor and council, hindimi, theemselves, and their said securi-
ties, their heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, that the said
sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, and every'iart thereof, shall ie faithfully and
Exclusively applied to the purpose aloresaid, which said bond shall be recorded iii
the office of the court of appeals for the western shore, and upon the same,'or
a certified copy thereof, a suit or suits ,.lay he instituted in the name and for the
use of the state, if the said money, or any part thereof, shall be applied to any pur-
pose or use other than that contemplated by this resolution: Provided uhrmlplT, I hat.
no m ney shall he paid under this resolution unless the governor and council shall
be assured that the city of Annapolis, or some other place ill it-* neighbourhood,
will be the place fixed on for the naval depot.
Passed Fcb10,                                  No. 41.
In favour of  RE:soLvr.D, That the treasurer of the western shore he and he is hereby autho-
clerk of the  rised to pay annually, in quarterly payments, to Ninian Pitikney, five itndred
council.      dollars, as an additional compensation for his services as clerk ofthe conicil.
Passed FebI1                                  No. 42.
-of John    RE~soLV:D, That the treasurer o the western shore lie and he is hereby direct.
Leeds Kerr.   ed to pay to the order of John Leeds Kerr, the agent for settlin-_ the clailnia of la-
ryland w'ith the gencral government, the sum of eight hundred and fifty dollars,
from any unappropriated money in the treasury, in part compensation for his ser-
Passed Feb 13                                 0No. 4S.
Rt~elative to e WiRAS ti e encour'gent given to negroes urning away from their own-
runaway ne-  ers ill th A, and the harbou ring the saine by sundry persons itt the common.
wealth of Pennsylvania anti state of Delaware, has Iong been a serious inconvenl-
grocs.        ence to the owners of slaves, and is a growing evil, injurious in its consequences
even to slaves themselves; Therefore,
Be it resolved 6y (c General A.semildh of Marynland, That the governor be autho-
rised and required to open a corresponilence ninediately with the executives of
Pennsylvania and Delaware, stating at large the grievances under which the.citi-
zens of this state labour, in consequence of the protection given in those states to
runaway negro slaves, and tile diflicult which tile ownetrs experience in recover-

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