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Resolution passed Feb. 11, in favour of Evans Willing. 1817 253 (1817)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0054 and id is 1 raw text is: RESOLUTIONS.                                   -258
No. 27.                                Pee Ses ISl .
l1:UsoLviii, That the treasurer of tile western shore be and he i. hereby direct-  *.
ed, to pay unto George Mantle, or Moudle, now of the state of Pennsylvania, and Passed Feb.lo
late a soldier in the Maryland line, during the revolutionary war, or his order, a  -oe George
sum of money annually, 'ill quarterly payments, equal to tile half pay of a soldier, M[ontle.
as a further renuneration for those neritorious services rendered his country duL-
ringtlhe American war.
No. 28.                                 Passed Feb. 6
RinsoLvr.n, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby autho- -ofenjamii
ried and directed, to pay, annually, in quarterly payments, to Benjamin Mur. Murdoc..
dock, a lieutenant in the Maryland line during the revolutionary war, tile half pay
of a lieutenant during life.
No. 29.                                  Passed Feb. 6
ir.sol.VcD, That tile treasurer or the western shore he and.he is hereby direct. -of Andrew
ed, to pay to Andrew Willis, of Washington county, a private in the revolutionary Willis.
war, or to his order, annually, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to
the hall pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those iervices by
which hii country has been so essentially benelitted.
No. 10.                                 Passed Feb.11
ItEsol.vne, h'lhat the treasurer of the western shore be and lie is herebydirect- -oflMethodist
ed, to pay to tile olliciai mcnimles of tile Methodist Church in Annapolis, or to church in An.
their order, the suin of two hnndred pounds, out of any money in the treasury not napolis.
otherwise appropriated, to enable them to reserve seatU in the new meeting house
in the a oresaid city, for the accommodation ofthe iculbers of the executive, legis-
lature, andjudiciary of tie state.
No. 31.                                  Passed Feb. 6
ILrso.v.no, That the treasurer of the western shore be and lie is hereby auth- -of Michael
rised and required, to pay annually, ill quarterly pavments, to Michael 1liCaln, 5MCann.
of Frederick county, or order, an old revolutionary'soldier, the half pay of a pri.
vate during the remainder of his life, as a remuneration for his meritorious servi-
No. 32.                                  Passed Fell. 6
Rr.soLvr.D, h'lat tile treasurer of the western shore he aid lie is hereby autho-  -of Elijah
rised, to pay to Elijah Smith, of the city of Baltimore, an old soldier, annually, Smith.
dui ing lif, in quarterly payments, the half pay of a private for his services during
the revolutionary war.
o.33                                     Passed Feb. 6
R ltnsoivr. , rThat the treasurer of tle western shore be and lIe is hereby autho. -of James
rised and required, to pay unto James Ilood, of Anne-Arundel county, or his or- Hood.
der, annually, in quartei ly payments, during his life, a sun of money equal to tihe
half pay of asbistant comimissary, for Isis .ervices during the revolutionary war.
No. 34.                                  Passed Feb. 6
RESoLvEn, That the treasurer orthe western shore be and lie is hereby autho-  -ofJamne3
rised and directed, to pay unto James Sewcell, an old ievolutionary -oldier, or his Sewell.
order, during his lire, a sun of noney equal to the hal! pay of a private, annuallv,
in quarterly payments, out of any unappropriated money ill the treasury, as a fur-
tier remuneration for his service3 d ring the Americas war.
Nu. 35.                                  l'assed Feb.11
REsoixvun, That tile treasnrr olthe western shore beand lie is hereby autha. - of Inspec.
rised and required, to negotiate for, and obtain from such bank or banks as may tors of Peni-
be willing to loan the same, a -sumn not exceeding forty thousand dollar, for the tentiary
purpose ofdi-char,-img th debt, incurred hy tile inspectots of the penitentiary it
rebuilding tile house, and repairing tile injuries occasiohied by tile late fire which
happened theein, whiel loans this state engages to repay within two years, with
interest thereon.
. No, 36.                        .        Passed Febi.
RarsoLvrnn, That fhe governor and council lie and they are hereby authorised Relativetothe
and empowered, to draw upon the treasurer of the westerni shore for a sum of ino-  public build.
ney not exceeding nine thousand dollars; to be by themi expended in repairing tile ings.
public buildings at the seat of gover-nment, and in enclosing and improving the pub-
lie circle in.which the state house is situated.
No. . 37.                               Passed Feb I I
It nsoLvv., That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Evais Willing thie  Iti favour of
sum of oie huishie I pounds curreit money of Maryland. for a negro slave who EvassWilling
was drowned in cenuequence of hii beiun pursued as a fugitive from justice.

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