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An Act for the better protection of Slave-holders in the several Counties therein mentioned. 1817 226 (1817)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0053 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF MARYLAND.

Dec Ses 1817. payment of the passage ioney due by such enigrant, o1' said i'W
gister may appraise tile samie, and the master or owners of the
vessel may take such property at tile appraised value in part pay-
Proviso    went or satisfaction of the claim frob  passa e ne'; 'rovided a[.
wtas, that if the passeuger died before the cxpiraten of one halr
of the duration of the voyage, no passage money shall be due, but
the heirs of the deceased shall be entitled to the proceedss and the
register shall be aceountable for them to such heirs.
Register's fCCs  11. Ond be it enacted, That said register shall be entitled for
writing the deed of indenture, and registering the matters above
mentioned, to the same fees as a notary public, and for tile sale
or app'aisement oF property in manner aforesaid, lie shall be entit-
led to five per cent commission oil the gross imount; and if th
proceeds arising froin the sale as aforesaid should remnain in hand
uncalled for during three years, after publication in two newspa.
pers, one of which shall be in Ballimore, which publication shall
be malde immnediately after the sale, in such case the proceeds,
without interest, shall be paid over by the register to the treasuret'
or' tile German Society of Maryland, for the use of said society.
CHlAPTERl 227.
Passed Feb 10 An act for the better protection of Slave-holders in the seve.
'al Counties therein mentioned.
No retailer to  Sec. I. lie it enacted by the General Issembly of Maryland, That
utuirer negroci Fr1'om and after tile first day of May next, it shall not be lawful fbr
in hii ho(),leC any licensed retailer or retailers in Cavert county, Anne-Arundei
after sun.sl Ccotuity, -.%til Saint-Mary's county, or. ro)1 ally pe'soni or persons re-
siding in either of those counties, accustomed to make and sell dis.
tilled spirits, or other liquors, to suffer any free. negro or mulatto,
or any ne.gro or mulatto servant o slave, to be in his, her, or their'
store-house, or other house wherein he, she or they may be accus-
tomed to sell distill.l spirits, orl other liquors, between sun-set in
tile evenittg, and stug-rise (f the succeeditg morning; 'rovided
Proviso.    always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend
to the case oF suIch aforesaid servant or slave, as shall have a writ-
ten order or license for that pu'pose, front his master, mistress,
overseer, or othel' person in whlse employment lie may actually be
With tile consent of his oWimei' Or OW1LrS.
Penalty for Fo  2. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall, slff-er
doiug.     o perinit any alegeo or intultto to be ill his, her, or their house,
contrary to the provisiolls of this law, the person or persons st)
oTending, shall 'ol'feit and pay for every such oflince, the Ruin of
fifty dollars, tile one half to the inlflrmer, and the othe' half to the
said county, in case such negro toi0 miulatto was fr'ce, and the one
half to the informer, and tile Other half to tile imster, mistress or
owver, in c.se suci legl'o or mulatto was a servant or slave tit the
liime the ofi'ence was committed, to he adjnuded and recovered, on,
indictlleit and llvictioln, o confession of the party uccubed, ill
tle coumnty coutl' of tie said counties.
If unn1h1C to  S. And be it enacled, That if oil the conviction afloresaid, the p:er-
pay mnlav. be son'or 1e'sons so convicted, shall fail or hle unable to pay the fine
confined' in  aforesaid, the cotnty court. shall, in theirliscretion, order tile siith
gai. -Person or lrSons so convicted, to be coullted ill the public gaol in
tile County, for a1 t'w lint :c-eccdig thi'ce months.

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