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An Act relative to German and Swiss Redemptioners. 1817 224 (1817)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0052 and id is 1 raw text is: LAWS OF MARYLAND.

Dec. Sc. 1s17 who shall on the. secCon  MIonday of Noven cr, prlocced to olcct
L-e--J   their president, and the president :tid malnag e's thlls annually clect-
ed, shall have full power and authority to make, aldor or repeal,
Proviso    bv-laws for their goverlunent; Irovidcd alnv'ils, that they areulut
il;coisistelit with, or replignlailt to Ihis act, and the laws of this state.
Wharfgc.      7. And be it enacted, That the president and lanagers, So soot{
as the said whar sh1all be finished, shall have Cull power to ilnimoso
such reasonable tolls or wharlage f or the use or the salne, and to
adopt such regulations for the management of the said vilrf as
they mlay thik right and just.
VIIAPTStI  2'16.
P, ssed F'eb 16  Au act relative to German and Swiss Redemptioners.
Preamble.      XIIEMVl FAS, it Ilas been found that German i  nd Swiss etigrants,
'lo for the discharge of the debt conltlacted for their passage to
this coinitry, are olten obliged to subject themselves to tenlorary
servitude, are frequently exposed to cruel and opplressive imposi-
tions by the masters o1' the vessels inl which they arrive, and like-
wise by those to 'hllli they becone servaltts.
A register to  Stc. 1. Ie it cnacted by the General Ilssembly of -.1[aryland, That
.appoantted, the governor and council be and they are hereby autliorised, an-
tnally to appoint, ill every poet of entry in this state, some trust-
wurtlly person, skilled ill the Gerlan an ld English languages, as
re,'ister Or all ieeds for the apprenticesipip. or Io' the servitude of
German or Swiss Cluigrants, arriving firom foreign parts at sucht
--his duty.,  ort 01' place.
'2. ,ind be it cuacted, 'rhat it shall le the duty of said register,
after he shall have taken all oath, to be administered by tile clerk
of tle CoUnltV court Of tile county wherein lie shall reside, that lie
,will faithl'ully execute tile duties otr his olllce, without prejildice,
or partiality, to open all office, to draw sip, as fron time to time
lie may be required, and to see to the due and legal excctilion of
the instrument of writin. regulating the apprenticeship of every
German or Swiss l'cdemlltioner, who shall after t lie iasage of this
law arrive within such polrt Or ])lace of this state, froln) beyonld
sea, and no indenture or writing relating to stich alpl'enticeshi p
shall he of any avail, un11less tile sHtlie. be drawn till bysaid regis-
tor, or he by him approved Of.
--fither duly  .3. A'nd be it enacted, That it shall he tile further (Iuty of said
register, iunlnwdiately after the execition or aly indelituec relative
to the apprenticeship of any such emii rant, to transnit the samle
to tile clerk of the county court of the county where such cmi-
graut shall arrive, there, to lie re'orded, for which recordii.  the
said clerk shall ho entitled to receive tle fees usual for recordin,
such wvritings, to lie paid by tile persois to whll] suihli indenture
shall be madte; and the said rvlgister shall keep an accurate regis.
ter or accout of the name or itaines of every person ititenlded or
bound before him as al'oresaid, their sex, aec,time of alilientice-
ship or servitulde. the coumitry whence they came, to whoin bound,
anid tran. mitted by said register as aforesaid for record.
No ,ii lno Io  4. ,Jund be it ciacted, That 11o minor tunde' the age of twenty-one
IbchiIId(ltvde  Years shall be indielidbrl''ore the said register, except by iis or
''r y ha lice parents, or next of kin; and in dertult of relatives, then by

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