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A Supplement to an act entitled an act for the Preservation of the Breed of Wild Deer in Somerset and Dorchester Counties. 1817 177 (1817)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0050 and id is 1 raw text is: CIiARILES RIDGELY, -(O       HtAMPM.) tQo GOVERNOTR°.           iff
CH[P.T11t 160                       DccScs 1817t.
An act relatini   to the Village of Oliuich-Itill in Queen     '-
Annes County.                                Passed Feb L
Wurnmis, it is represented to this general assembly, by the pe- Preamble
tition or tile inhabitants of the village of Church-H1ill, in Queen-
Anne's county, that tie tranquility and prosperity of said village
would be materially promoted by having thesanie under the direc-
tion of a bIard ort commissioners; Threfore,
Sec. i. Ble it caacted by the Geacral AIssembly of Mlarylauid, That  Election of
five judicious atid discreet persons, residing in the village of Church comjiiss'is.
Ilill, shall be elected by ballot, on the third Monday of March
next, aniually thereafter, at some public place in sald village,
by the free. male white house keepers or heads (if families, residin.
ill the said village, or such persons holding real plolpety tlh.reint
Wil the fivc persoUs who shall appear to have the grcatest number
of votes at tile close of the election, shall be dehared duly elected
the commissioners of' said village, and shall have and exercise the
several l)wors and authority delegated to then Iy this act.
2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners aflorsaid, immedi- May make by.
ately after their election, shall p,'oceed to enact such by-laws or Ic- laws.
gulations, not contrary to the laws of this state, as they may deem
proper fCo  the observance of good order in the village aforesaid,
and that such by-laws Oorldilnances shail I be recorded in abook sub.
ject to the inspection of the inhabitants of said village at all times.
3. Antd bc it enacted, That the said commissioners are empowered Limits (A vii-
to mark and hound the limits of'the said village, to any extent to which lge to be
the property or the in habitants may extend, and anylaw or rei.- marked.
latitu that may be enacted by the tommissioners ar.', shall be,
and is hereby declar ced to be, in full folrce to such exten
4. And be it eitw:ted, That if any vacancy shall happen in the of- Vacancies
fice of o-e or more of (he. coininissioieirs, by death, resignation,
removal or o ivrwise, it shall bO lawrul IO'L the remC in, ilig corn.-
inisioniers, and they are. hereby required, to cause an euection to be
Illade in !od village by the inhabitants t hreu{f and others qualifi-
ed to vote a it fotl'esaiji, o nite or inoe j uilc io us alid diuicreet liel,-
sis, resideit as al'b rosaid, to supply every snIch vaca ii, y dulin.
le remalliidcr ot the teril, anld tile timo of holdil' sich intel',ll-
i11- election shall be previously notified for the space of tell days
i'e:vious to the election.
cii&P't,1tt 161.
A  upplement to aii act, ent-ied, An act for the Preserva&
tiou of the Breed of WiId DcIr ill Somerset and Dor- esd reb 12
chester Counties.
See. 1. Be it etacted by the General ,Bssenibli! of ,laryland, That  lenalty ftt
from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any killingd'er.
person or persons vhatsoever, to shoot, or otherwise destroy, any
wild deer in Somerset or Dorchester counties, at any period withla
three years from the passage of this lav, under the penalty of forty
dollars, onc half of which shill be applied to the use of the county,
and the other half to the person who shall make information there-
of, for every deer so killed or destroyed, to be recovered in the
oatue manner as prescribed by the a;c to which this a guppleinent.

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