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An Act to incorporate Frederick-Town, in Frederick County. 1816 49 (1816)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0032 and id is 1 raw text is: CHARLES IDGE.Y, (Or iiAMPT.) ESQ. GOVEINOR.               49
C1HA1TFR 72.                     Dec.'Ses. 16.
An act to enable Robert Gorsuch to complete his collection
Passed Jan. s 4.
in Baltimore County.
See. 1. Me it enacted bly the General Aissembly of Mfearyland, Time extended
That Robert Gtirsuchi of the city of Baltimore, be and lie is for collection.
hereby empowered to proceed, as at present anthoriied, in the
collection of the taxeti in Baltimore county, for one year from and
after the first day of January next.
(3IAPTrU 73.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to Incorporate the Passed Jan. 14.
Franklin Manufacturing Company of Maryland.
ec. 1. Be it naccd b the General .isscmblyl f .Aaryland, T hat OcaftaI 300000
the capital stock or the Franklin Manufacturing Company ofa
Maryland, shall be three hItndred thousand dollars, and shall
consist of' three thousand shares of one hundred dollars each ;
and that the third section or the act, entitled, An act to incorpo-
iate; the Franklin 'Manufacturing.; Company of Maryland, passed
December session, eighteen hetdred and fourteen, be and the
same is hereby repealed.
Au   act to Incorporate Frederick-Town, in     Frederick Passed Jan.4.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by! the General Assembly qf orIMaryland, That TownIncorpo-
Frederick-Town in Frederick county, shall 'be -and ' is hereby rated;
constituted an incorporate town, by the manie of Frederick, and
tle inhabitants thereof constituted a, body politic and incorpo-
rate, by the eeaene of The Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Coun-
ci1 of' Frederick, and as such shall have perpetual succession,
andl] by their corporate nane nay sue and be sutied, iniplead anlt
be impleaded, grant, receive, and do all other acts as natural
persons, and may purchase and hold real, personal and mixed
pt'opetty, or dispose oif the saime for the benefit of the said town,
and may lhave and use a common seal, which may be broken or
altered at pleasure.
2. And be it enacted, That the limits of the said town, for all Limita.
pu'poses except taxation by the laws of the corporation, shall
ic as follows: Beginning at tile forty-four mile-stone oa the
Baltimore and Frederick-Town turnpike road, about three quar-
tets of a mile from' the east end of Frederick-town, and running
thence with a straight line so as to include John 1lee4h's brick-
house, thence with a straight line to include John MlPhecrson's
house, (formerly Schnertzell's) thence with a straight line to in-
clude tle late Christopher Myer's house, thence with a straight
line to include John Graham's house, thence with a straight line
,to the mouth of Carroll's creek, and thence with a straight line
to tie aforesaid forty-four mile-stone ; and that the taxable limits
of tihe. saiO town shall be as Follows : All the lots originally laid
out as Frederick-Town, with all additioms thereto, including
Bontz-Town, and Jacob and Michael Buckey's dwelling-house
and tait-yard, and Jacob Buckey's factory, at the east end of the

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