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An Act for the benefit of Reuben Long of the City of Baltimore. 1815 56 (1815)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0028 and id is 1 raw text is: - S6                     LAW      1 U1 MAIYLAND.
1Duxc'Sass. she proceeds to a.t under the provisions of th's act shall give
18h. bond With such sccurity a- bildI Ibil opproCi b)' tile- cha.ivl.r,
.•       conditioned for the faithful perfnrni .11:, Ol thu trust'epo.sed in
tier by this act, with such peunalty us he shall direct, upon a (tily
attested office copy of, whith sit or suit.s inav be instituted I1'
any person or persons interested ia the Pein urinauice Q the
conditions thereof.
Dsaent.    4. AND BE IT      ENArI.I), hat. i tie  suli'l heiri  at
law or either of them shall die iiie.ataule b'ef're they Ohal a, Iive
at the age of twenty one years, flhen tile awlty ioriting (rowu
the sale of the land bef'fwe imntionieil sial descv'utl and  , in
the soic course of dc'ent. u (iu  taid hndi 4,jujild havi: Ia -
sod or descended if tis eitl d,, N.lvit pated.
C 1I1Al   t 6:I.7.
Posed An, .An act for the beneJit qf . Lu,:stu   c,,,,,g, thf he Cii,, of .Tulti-
+  6, .                           I +C t1,
May import  sic. i. BE I'' ENAC'I l,;IJ u. the (:'nir.d A. sf.'.11 of
flSucs.    11uryland, That Rcuuci L,.i.g ,,,.' alll h,: is hermlcl authoriise t
acd empowered to renvjl e, i port s(ti lml'lll i;It'l'ib stiteIat
any time within oel ; ti r lter 1lh1  411't   e this nel, a lit-gro
slave called Tun, aiy I-Aw  u ithu conLiary inl atty wise nu--
Not to be  2. AND B ijt ' I,,N \C '111I, That nthting hiercin coitini.
disposidolun. ed shall be euosuiriewd to cle~in   the, s;il Rulbeni L,g its seii or
dr three  dispose of tie saidf lles;ro sladi'; i0p ,'iil, loy %it lie t.f 1hi aeI,
years.     Ulltil tie Sit l O, e  hI . 1i )i ie.ided w'itlin this sttle the:e
whole ycArs nl.xt precedinlg  udl  ve., cXwilte ill c;ases of dispo.
sitiou by ltit vL wili atu te  i talint, atid doiputtious by law for
bona fdc debts, ,jr CulSueW el i loijgIQ intestacy.
__ . ,,
Passaed Jan. .4n ac.1 to iiicuiraei a ('oinju j to akl.e a turnupikc road froyn
6, 1M16.     the I I.,'iid              to iu.tecccl the .alti.rc (nd
Raels!ew 7it.'it 149 'I 141.-euk road,
Company    b   1, B I!  T 1'\   Rt        the General Assembly of
incorporated. Marivvud, That a conapany shi be incorpoted to make a
turaijte roa1d Ifm Me~ village (if 1NeivWindsor, (Sulphur
Sp,,ilgs,) it) inkUrsect Ithe Bialtimore 'atid Rteis ler's .low i turn-
pt);C ro'ad at o:r IlCar the wet.t end of the town of Vcstminster.
Subscrip.  v. A-NJ)  ii iT  ]':'NA  TE]), That subscripttoii books
t| i a.-captat shiil be oi ned oil or before the first A,'utday oj' larch next,
-ct. -Uiio  at, \Vty, ister and Npw.\Vindinr, for a capital stock for said
co:niany of forly thousaid doll: r., iin sixteen hundred sharcs
of t  culv five' dollars cach, under the direction of the follow.
ingt C(,ulliiiis ilrs or ay one of them to wit : at  7estminstcr
by William Durbin, Jacob Schrivcr, Jaes  'Huffee, and Tiho.
,,as \VIs ; ai New-\Vindsor by Jacob Landis, Isaac Atley,
James Olemson and Joseph Ilains.
Blection of  3. AND   U1. I'l' ENACTED, That when six hundred.
prosldent a,d shares of said stock shall have been subscribed, the commie-
manatas-  .sioners shall give twenty days public notice of the time and
tions.     place appointed for the subscribers to meet to organize said in.
stitution, and to choose by plurality of votes, by ballot, a pre-
sident and eight ainagers, five of whom shall form a quorum,
a treasurer, and such other oflicers as they shall deem necessa.
ry to conduct the aff'airs of the company, until the first Monday
in Mlarch therafter, and until a new electionj and to make

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