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An Act to repeal an act of Assembly therein mentioned. 1814 108 (1814)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsmd0025 and id is 1 raw text is: enii y h

An act for the relief of Thomas Murphy and Rachel
, Evans.
SEC. i. BE IT ENACTED by the GeneraZ Assembly
of Ma,'yland, ''hat the levy court of Montgomery coun.
ty he and they are hereby authorised and empowered so
long as they shall see Cause to levy and assess on the as-
sessableproperty otMontgomery county, sucheum not exo
ceeding thirty dollars, as they may dem nCeeesa'ry for the.
oauport of said Lhotuas blurphy ; and the some when co.

The quality of these images represent the quality of the microfiche that was digitized.

.A supptenznt to the act entitled, an act tv ap6int 7Th&
H ,rris. junior, 'of the city of ..nnapolis,. trustee
ifor. the sale of the real eitate of John G winr;Esquire..
late (Y the Said cit* , ec used.
dvan.- .Si&. i. BE I' ENACTED by the General Assem-
6cie. bly of Marylanrl, That if, it shidl appear t6 the orphans'
court of Antic Arundel county, that, the ittcrest which
hath arisen, or which may arise upon the stock purchas-
ed or to be p rchised'by the trusted under the directions
of the orphan's court aforcsaid, 'in pursuancc .of the act
t0 which this is a supplement, hath'no't ieen qt:shall not be
S,,flici'nt for the support, maintenance and education of the ;
c.;'dren of the sa f John Gwinn, or either of them during
their minority, atd that tht said trustee hith advanced or
shall advance t'-'he moth,,, and natural guardian o, the
said 'hi dren, during their minority, a part of'the proceee
ot tile balcs ,t the real esiate, over and beyond the in-
terest ari,;iag or to arise from the stock purchased by him
under the directions of the orphans' court aforesaid, then
'tlhit s'aid orphans' coui't shall and may sanction and al.
prove 'Of the advance so made' and :o be made as afore-
'S., or of such iiart thereof, as they shall deem necessary
and sufficient for the support, maintenance and education
of the said children or either of them, during their minor,
ity, and ihe said trustee shall he credited with, and al-
lowed in the settlement of his trmut as aforesaid, such sum
or n ums )l money as shal: ho snotioned id approved Lx
the 'otphans' court as aforesaid.
.dJan. An a2t to rpe)al an', 'tof Assembly therein mentioned.
E  c. 1. 3  'IT EN4GTED by the General .dssnibly
of Maryland, 'hat tlii act entitled, a supplementary act
to thk act entitled, ad act relating to servants and slaves,
passed uta session of assembly begun an4 held at the
city of Annapolis on the third day of October, in the
year of out Lord one  hmuisand seven hundred and twen.
ty eight, be and the sanie is hereby repealed, annulled and

27 :.r5
:  c. repe

Pasrsed J SI,
27. 1815
S-m nav be
lev,.d !or his
mainten ance.

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